Originally from Taiwan, I lived in London for four years before moving to Berlin in 2017. As time flies for the past seven years, I've come to realise the urban life trap and started searching for opportunities for alternatives.
With a great passion for hands-on work, I've enjoyed my double identities in both the arts and gastronomy sectors for the past years. With my educational background in Theatre design, I do freelance work on costumes, sets and sculptures for visual artists amongst some small projects on renovation. Nonetheless, I found my second passion in cooking and have been working in restaurants and catering business for the past few years, which I find meditative to balance the stress from the sometimes toxic art industry.
I started travelling ever since I was young and have always been drawn to the exploration of the world as well as connection with others and learning from our differences. With platforms like Couchsurfing and Workaway, I've had many opportunities for different life experiences, gardening in the forest, volunteering in animal shelters, building small houses, and so on. Most of the time I am a solo traveller, but I always enjoy the moments that can be shared with others. It took me a while to realise this is more of a journey to my self-discovery, and I aspire to more adventures in the future.Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Chinesisch (Mandarin): Fließend
Deutsch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
I would like to practice more German.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
GartenarbeitenBabysitten und KinderbetreuungMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteBetreuung von TierenKaritative ArbeitSeniorenbetreuungBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Heimwerker- und BauarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenHausarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeSprachenHilfe mit Computer /InternetUnterrichtenIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieKunstprojekteWas könntest du arbeiten?
Coaching swimming
Furniture making
Prop making
Pattern cutting
Garment alteration
Basic welding
Animal careAlter
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