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  • Reiseinformationen

    Ich bin gerade

    unterwegs auf Reisen

    Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:

    Currently in Leipzig, Germany and will be in Australia from November!

    Mein nächstes Reiseziel:

    Australia - von Nov 2023
    Alle anzeigen
  • Beschreibung

    I tend to spend most of my days creating something, mainly pottery and then spend my evenings chilling out, meeting people or going to concerts. I am a huge fan of live music: gigs, festivals and anything else and being in a crowd of like-minded people is definitely my safe space!
    I like to stay busy and live my life to the fullest but also highly value downtime and having a space to myself.
    After finishing my bachelors degree in Ceramics in June I have travelled to Leipzig, Germany (through workaway) and will be travelling to Australia in November. I'm currently learning German so would be great to practice with someone. I'd love to be able to share my craft (ceramics) with others! I have teaching experience as well as technical experience (kilns, glaze making etc.) in Ceramics however my main passion lies in teaching ceramic wellbeing classes.
    I have various experiences in customer-facing roles, I absolutely love bar work and chatting/learning from others. I've worked as a photographer before and also like to cook vegan food!

  • Interessengebiete

    Karitative Arbeiten
    Vegetarier / Veganer
    Heimwerken & DIY
    Events & Sozialleben
    Kochen & Backen
    Kunst & Design
  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Deutsch: Grundkenntnisse

    Mehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
    I am currently learning German, but whilst stuck in the UK, I'm not able to get much practice actually speaking the language. It would be great to have someone to chat with! I love music, ceramics, photography, psychology and a lot of different things. I stayed in Leipzig for a few months last year and hope to go back as it felt like home to me! I am a native English speaker so very happy to help you practice English as well!

    Einen Sprachpartner finden

  • Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann

    Interessiert mich:  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Karitative Arbeit
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie

    In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:  

  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    My main skills are creative- I have a fair bit of experience in pottery (I studied ceramics at university), photography and cooking fairly good vegan meals. I don't have so muchmanual labour or DIY experience but am very keen to learn. Would also love to help out caring for animals - I have experience in cat sitting so am happy to look after any furry friends.

  • Alter


  • Was noch ...

    I love any kind of punk music (but I won't play music out loud if it disturbs others) and I really enjoy socialising in pubs with a pint of good beer. Also, love a good board game... although I do get quite competitive!

  • Etwas mehr Information

    • Raucher

    • Führerschein

    • Allergien

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