Ich bin gerade
unterwegs auf Reisen
I am 27 years old from California. I have been in Australia for over a year now and am hoping to stay for a while. My work experience is quite diverse from skydiving to substitute teaching, to digital marketing, to slinging bacon-avo rolls out of a food truck. I have fallen in love with the Wadawurrung Country / Surfcoast in Victoria, but want to enjoy a warmer winter! I recently started paragliding and am frothing to fly. If I applied for your work exchange, you're probably near a flying site. I am very easy going and generally unbothered. I love learning new skills and trying out different jobs.
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Spanisch: GrundkenntnisseBereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Heimwerker- und BauarbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteBetreuung von TierenKaritative ArbeitBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenBabysitten und KinderbetreuungHandwerkliche ArbeitenHausarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeKunstprojekteSeniorenbetreuungIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieSprachenHilfe mit Computer /InternetUnterrichtenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I want to learn! Since I have arrived in New Zealand I have done more construction/manual labor than my whole life and I have loved learning basic skills that I can use for the rest of my life. I would love to help around the house fixing things and would love to learn more about car repair if possible. I am not afraid of hard work and cannot wait to learn more.
Was noch ...
I love skating, surfing, and am new to fishing but really enjoy it. I am pretty easy going and respectful of other people's spaces and belongings.
Etwas mehr Information
beesSpezielle Ernährung
He was a great help towards our shed project and was willing to give any task ago. Dylan fitted in well with our day to day life and with our extended family. Would… read more
He was a great help towards our shed project and was willing to give any task ago. Dylan fitted in well with our day to day life and with our extended family. Would… read more