Abzeichen (2)
Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
I am a Northern California native who just finished getting my 4 kids through school and all out of the house. Looking forward to exploring my interests through different work/travel experiences throughout the country. I completed a 30 day farm stay last year in Poulsbo Washington through another program and would gladly supply that reference if requested. I have been an accomplished artisan woodworker for the past 12 years and look forward to putting those skills to use in your community. I am also very interested in transitioning to a clean eating regimen and believe that an experience, such as those offered through this program, could be just what is needed in order to help further my growth in that direction. I hope to leave my type of crazy behind in order to embrace a new kind of crazy on your property. If possible I'd love to bring my well behaved GoldenDoodle/Yellow Lab pup Oslo along with me. I have been with my amazing partner, Kathleen, for nearly 14 years. Together we have built a beautiful blended family with six amazing children, including 4 teenage daughters between us. I hope that this is enough of an introduction to garner your attention, and I truly look forward to getting to know all who are on the assigned property with me, on a deeper level. I do appreciate your consideration.
Kunst & DesignKochen & BackenEvents & SoziallebenGeschichteKaritative ArbeitenWandernFilm & FernsehenMannschaftssportartenWintersportNachhaltigkeitHaustiereGebirgeGartenarbeitenTanzenTischlerarbeitenCampingHeimwerken & DIYFitnessDarstellende KünsteSelbstentwicklungVegetarier / VeganerOutdoor-AktivitätenRadfahrenBücherYoga / WellnessNaturFarmarbeitKulturErlebnissportartenSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Spanisch: Gute KenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
Would love to learn any new languages available.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Karitative ArbeitBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Mithilfe auf einem BauernhofZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieHausarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeHilfe mit Computer /InternetSprachenÖkoprojekteIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
KunstprojekteUnterrichtenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I have owned a primitive furniture making business for the past 12+ years and have previously worked in construction and real estate related fields. I have a good working knowledge and/or quick learning curve for most commonly used tools and machinery and love, love, love to build creative projects. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge on all fronts and consider myself a perpetual student. My skills are pretty decent with regards to cooking, making meals, harvesting, etc. I can be a leader as well as be led. I love equally my time in community and my time in reflection. An ambivert if you will.
Was noch ...
Our family loves to play card games and we have regular open dinners at our home where our kids, their friends, their friends friends, occasionally random strangers, gather for a good meal and good conversation. I am an avid mountain bike rider and hiker. Excited for travel and participating in new communities.
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