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Hello Workaway hosts!
My name is Alex - I'm 24 and from Bristol in the UK.
I have lots of experience working in hostel environments (2 months at la iguana perdida in Guatemala, and 3 weeks at Bolita Hostel in Costa Rica) - anything from working behind a bar, to cleaning bathrooms, beds and toilets, to hosting trivia nights!
I have also previously undertaken 2 workaways in New Zealand and 1 workaway in Portugal, and really enjoyed the process! I'm hard-working, enthusiastic, and also love to socialise, and see Workaway as a brilliant way for me to both help people whilst also creating long lasting friendships. Being a keen hiker, I am physically fit and consequently able to do heavy lifting and other practical tasks that might test physical endurance. I have also worked on helping to build a decking, creating stone garden walls, and removing fences from festivals, so I am more than happy to be tasked with practical work. I have experience doing tasks such as painting (houses), weeding, and cleaning (I've worked as a cleaner in a sixth form and a hostel), and I am incredibly enthusiastic to learn new things and am up for doing anything!
Whilst in Portugal I gained experience with animal care (e.g. horses, goats, chickens, and several lovely dogs), so am happy to be tasked with things like this.
I love to cook, and like making soups, baking breads, making fajitas and cooking chick-pea, butternut, and sweet potato curries. I would love to make our hosts some sit-down meals where we can all talk and properly get to know each-other. I also love a good board game (ticket to ride and talisman to name but a few).
I would absolutely love to help and feel free to contact me if you have any questions! My e-mail is: alexmoore878@gmail.com.Interessengebiete
Vegetarier / VeganerPolitik & SozialesSegeln / BooteNachhaltigkeitMannschaftssportartenGärtnernFotografieHaustiereOutdoor-AktivitätenNaturSprachenLGBTQMusikGeschichteWandernGartenarbeitenFitnessFarmarbeitKulturRadfahrenTanzenZeichnen & MalenEvents & SoziallebenKochen & BackenKaritative ArbeitenTischlerarbeitenCampingBücherErlebnissportartenTiereGesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Betreuung von TierenKaritative ArbeitSprachenKunstprojekteBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenSeniorenbetreuungHandwerkliche ArbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteHausarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeHilfe mit Computer /InternetIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Babysitten und KinderbetreuungZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieUnterrichtenWas könntest du arbeiten?
-Working with children
- English teaching / tutoring for other subjects
-Dog walking
-Gardening (e.g. weeding)
-Helping move things around
-Eagerness to learn new things
-Enthusiasm + reliabilityAlter
Was noch ...
I love card games and music!
Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
One vegetarian
He was attentive with guests, cleaning, preparation, reservations and more.
Alex was a great asset to the team, and we would 100% recommend him for any future workaway project.
He was attentive with guests, cleaning, preparation, reservations and more.
Alex was a great asset to the team, and we would 100% recommend him for any future workaway project.
THIS GUY IS AWESOME!!! We've hosted well over 200 volunteers - Alex is comfortably in the top five. He's a brilliant worker who will take on any task without supervision and see it through to completion. In the… read more
All the best with everything!
Alex and Billy
They do a good job, follow instructions and complete the job with a smile on their face :)
We can highly recommend them as helpers :)