Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
I love reading, being outdoors, and all things food! I want to open a business that focuses on sustainability and growing local. I'm hoping to learn more about anything that will improve my future homestead.
LGBTQLeben im Camper-VanNachhaltigkeitPolitik & SozialesGärtnernHaustiereOutdoor-AktivitätenNaturFilm & FernsehenGebirgeSprachenWandernGartenarbeitenFarmarbeitZeichnen & MalenHeimwerken & DIYKulturKaritative ArbeitenTischlerarbeitenKochen & BackenCampingBücherAstronomieTiereGesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Spanisch: Gute Kenntnisse
Französisch: GrundkenntnisseBereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
GartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteKaritative ArbeitBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Betreuung von TierenSprachenKunstprojekteHilfe mit Computer /InternetIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieHausarbeitenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I went to college for culinary arts and restaurant management. I also have a baking and pastry arts diploma. I've had a variety of jobs in the food service industry for 6+ years.
I'm new at gardening and would love to learn more about it and food preservation!
I'm detail-oriented, and I'm good at and enjoy math. After my culinary degree, I got a degree in accounting to be better prepared for opening my own business, but haven't gotten real world experience in that area.Alter
Was noch ...
I had been traveling with my friend December and her dog Mira, so reviews reflect this fact.
I enjoy board games and card games.
I love pets, with cats being my favorite. I'd love to learn more about keeping other animals, both livestock and less conventional pets.Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
I enjoyed playing card games with Marie and cooking dinner one night. Their dog is very sweet. The work schedule was very flexible. Their house is in a great location to explore Birmingham. If I’m ever in the area… read more
The evening I arrived, I immediately got to jump in… read more
I enjoyed playing card games with Marie and cooking dinner one night. Their dog is very sweet. The work schedule was very flexible. Their house is in a great location to explore Birmingham. If I’m ever in the area… read more
The evening I arrived, I immediately got to jump in… read more
They were very accommodating and flexible with work times. I worked on the greenhouse (building hügelkultur mounds) and on their porch (filling holes and… read more
Our stay occurred just after blueberry season and into the first part of chestnut season. The work we did before the onslaught of… read more
Working on siding their house was a fun… read more