Ich bin gerade
unterwegs auf Reisen
Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:
Exploring other cultures, yoga, gym, staying active, healthy eating/living, sustainability, languages...
Hello! My name is Tyler, I am 29 years old and from the north of England.
In Chiang Mai, Thailand
Back in 2018 I worked in a monkey sanctuary for 3.5 months. This was very challenging but three times more rewarding. I learnt so much about these amazing little animals and jungle living.
OK more about me!
I love to travel and have travelled on and off since 2016!
Last year was my first time using workaway and it really shaped my experience to be a beautiful rewarding time. I volunteered in 2 schools! One language school and one public school.
They were both very different and although the public school was allot harder work with less supplies this was the most rewarding. I also felt the immense love and respect from the teachers and students!
Hosts and other volunteers - Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions about volunteering and my experiencesInteressengebiete
Heimwerken & DIYKulturOutdoor-AktivitätenNaturYoga / WellnessArchitekturCampingFitnessSprachenKochen & BackenMusikNachhaltigkeitHaustiereGebirgeGartenarbeitenTanzenTischlerarbeitenKaritative ArbeitenStrandBloggingTiereSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Thai: Gute Kenntnisse
Spanisch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
Thai and Spanish!Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Handwerkliche ArbeitenÖkoprojekteKaritative ArbeitSprachenUnterrichtenBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Heimwerker- und BauarbeitenZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieMithilfe auf einem BauernhofBetreuung von TierenHilfe mit Computer /InternetIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
GartenarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeWas könntest du arbeiten?
I am a very hands on, active and organised person.
I love to cook, trek and learn new information about cultures and languages.
I am currently learning Thai language.
I can...
Paint, garden, dance, learn fast, good with kids (have small cousins, nieces and nephews).
Previous jobs:
Bar manager, hotel manager, waiter, painter, carpenter, gardening and grounds keeper.Alter
Was noch ...
Workaway helped me learn allot about the importance (lack of importance) that I should put towards money. Trading my language strength, knowledge and time. This also give me a greater feel of self worth.
Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
Lactose free/I am lactose intolerant.
Bill is very helpful, cheerful and dedicated to the school and students. His house is beautiful and clean. I was welcomed instantly with a desk and all the material I need.
The students really do appreciate the chance to learn English, I felt so much love and respect from… read more
Bill is very helpful, cheerful and dedicated to the school and students. His house is beautiful and clean. I was welcomed instantly with a desk and all the material I need.
The students really do appreciate the chance to learn English, I felt so much love and respect from… read more