I’m a curious person, so im always open and willing to learn about new things, meeting new people, learning about cultures, lenguages, life experiences and more.
I believe that every person have an interesting history to tell, and this is one of the thing that i enjoy most about traveling, sharing with other people.
One of the things that motivates me is childhood. I do believe that the childs from today will be the positive change for us tomorrow (if we work for this and put love on the process)Interessengebiete
Events & SoziallebenHeimwerken & DIYTiereNachhaltigkeitDarstellende KünsteNaturFitnessZeichnen & MalenAstronomieKunst & DesignBücherArchitekturCampingTanzenWandernGeschichteGartenarbeitenSelbstentwicklungGärtnernOutdoor-AktivitätenMusikSchreibenSprachenTrampenFarmarbeitKaritative ArbeitenKulturRadfahrenKochen & BackenTischlerarbeitenSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Spanisch: Fließend
Italienisch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
Since I stared to travel i realise that one of the best ways to embrace the culture that your inmersing in is learn the lenguage of the place where your traveling, and also is a way to show respect for the culture that you are sharing with.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Karitative ArbeitÖkoprojekteSeniorenbetreuungUnterrichtenGartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofBabysitten und KinderbetreuungZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieHausarbeitenTourismus / GastgewerbeHandwerkliche ArbeitenKunstprojekteIn der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:
SprachenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I’m a psychologist graduate in Chile with a social psychology diploma.
I speak fluent Spanish (native) and i have English skills.
I’m always willing to help and learn new things, so im open to help in whatever is needed.
I’m an extroverted person, easy going and socialice with other becomes something easy and natural for me.Alter
Was noch ...
I love to sing, im traveling with a guitar because i want to learn how to play it so i can sing more.
I love to dance any kind of music and i love to listen music also.Etwas mehr Information
Gluten, shellfishSpezielle Ernährung
No gluten, no shellfish
I felt this place like a home during my staying. The staff is welcoming and they always looked after me.
Rishab is a great man, respectful, caring and honest.
I did a travel solo in India, and people from this place (Rishab and the staff) make me feel safe and protected.
This… read more
I felt this place like a home during my staying. The staff is welcoming and they always looked after me.
Rishab is a great man, respectful, caring and honest.
I did a travel solo in India, and people from this place (Rishab and the staff) make me feel safe and protected.
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