Wir sind gerade
zu Hause
As young woman and man, as passionate engineers, as nature and animal lovers, we want to take our own responsibilities as inhabitants of this Earth. We want to be part of a proactive community which aims to take care, preserve and improve the social and natural environment with enthusiasm and dedication.
WassersportYoga / WellnessSegeln / BooteGärtnernNachhaltigkeitHaustiereDarstellende KünsteOutdoor-AktivitätenNaturSprachenGebirgeMusikGeschichteWandernGartenarbeitenFarmarbeitKulturRadfahrenHeimwerken & DIYZeichnen & MalenEvents & SoziallebenKochen & BackenTischlerarbeitenCampingBücherStrandKunst & DesignArchitekturTiereErlebnissportartenSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: Fließend
Französisch: Fließend
Italienisch: Fließend
Spanisch: Grundkenntnisse
Portugiesisch: GrundkenntnisseMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
We are always interested to improve and learn new languages. Claudio can speak fluently Italian and English, Marianna also French.Bereiche, die uns interessieren oder in denen wir anderen etwas beibringen können
Interessiert uns:
Karitative ArbeitKunstprojekteMithilfe auf einem BauernhofÖkoprojekteTourismus / GastgewerbeBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
SprachenGartenarbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieBetreuung von TierenWas könntest du arbeiten?
We are two Italian civil engineers specialized in construction design of buildings, bridges, infrastructures with a sustainable and challenging approach.
This passion of construction comes from our childhood and teenagehood.
Marianna: for 9 years I have been a scout. Indeed, especially during the summer camps, I used with my scout group to live in the forest for 2 weeks building our own tent, kitchen and table, handling timber, saw and ropes.
Claudio: I came from a rural part of Italy, so grown in contact with nature. Through my passion for mountain biking, I have got some experience in trail building/maintenance.
We love food (especially healthy) and cooking! With modesty, we can make really really good homemade pasta and pizza. But in all our dishes, we need to include vegetables and herbs, that we have been trying to harvest some in our little terrace.
We are really animal lovers.
Marianna: I grew up in my uncle farm with cows, horses, chickens, deers etc. When I was child, a super intelligent and funny guinea pig was given to me, which I took care with dedication and love. I miss Pisula Trippi.
Claudio: In my family, a cat have been always been saved and adopted. Easy is my cat princess now.
We are fascinated by languages and foreign cultures. We have studied and worked in several European countries.
At least but not last, we really enjoy to play, from ball sports to cards and board games. We know so many of them and we organize game nights once a week with our friends!!Alter
30 & 31
Was noch ...
We love travelling, meeting new people and playing any type of games.
Etwas mehr Information
Spezielle Ernährung
The place, the location and the hosts are the best of the best, we felt home from the very beginning and the ranch is simply WOW.
We started our morning taking care of the animals while other tasks were planned daily depending on the… read more
The place, the location and the hosts are the best of the best, we felt home from the very beginning and the ranch is simply WOW.
We started our morning taking care of the animals while other tasks were planned daily depending on the… read more