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I am a 20 years old Italian boy. I consider myself an outgoing young man; I can manage the working tasks both alone and in group. I am independent, open-minded and curious.
I have always been passionate about martial arts that I really feel they are part of me. I currently count 15 years of experience. In 2015 I obtained the black belt 1st DAN and in 2018, I have also obtained a Second Degree Level in Krav Maga.
I am interested in working in the tourist sector. I have followed the studies of tourism to better prepare and support my role in the field. In order to improve my practice, I would like to make an experience concerning it, preferably out of my country, not only to improve in this professional area but to exercise my language skills too.
I consider myself very creative and very skilled in manual labour. I love painting, drawing and engaging in carpentry activities.
Finally, I attended a sports massage course.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
GartenarbeitenBabysitten und KinderbetreuungHandwerkliche ArbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofHausarbeitenBetreuung von TierenKaritative ArbeitKunstprojekteWas könntest du arbeiten?
During my academic and life experiences I could develop skills such as empathy, adaptation, flexibility, openness and self-motivation, all characteristics that allowed me to successfully achieve the objectives set. On a relational level, respect, education, humility, loyalty, sensitivity, constancy, dedication and organization are the aspects that represent me the most.
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