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Good Workawayer
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  • Reiseinformationen

    Ich bin gerade

    zu Hause

    Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:

    To live as a companion/friend on, & care/maintain a Sailing Vessel - or House & Pet sitting at a beach. I cook, clean, fish, snorkel, sail, & garden with old-school high standards - reliable.

    Mein nächstes Reiseziel:

    Ecuador - von Mär 2024
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  • Beschreibung

    My forte with experience is logic & innovation with open honest teamwork - able to visualize mutually agreed end-results - follow orders well - and figure out how to get there with determination, even when Life goes south while staying cool/calm/collect.
    Healthy without allergies & youthful with a wicked sense of humor, always optimistic & friendly, never moody, and get along with all - except drunkards.
    - I've always been good with kids - was a Sunday-school teacher & helped manage a church youth-center during my 20's, usually Father Christmas over the years, etc.
    - My mature age now ensures old-school high standards - very responsible & reliable

    I’m now retired and wish to long-term (depending on visit visas), help with Yacht or House & Pet Sitting.
    - Learned to sail approx 30 years ago around the stormy Cape Town in South Africa - I'm proud to have been born & raised there - and navigated across the S. Atlantic to the E. Caribbean with a (girl) friend on our 30 Ft mono-hull during the whole of 1992 in my mid-30's.
    - My hobbies at all the homes I owned so far (now in Central Florida, US) are - mostly edible organic gardening, from seeds or cuttings - innovative up-cycling - care for my pets, i.e. cats (2x Siamese), dogs (Pomeranian, Doberman, Bull Mastive & Collie) - & free range (egg-laying) chickens - the permaculture way.

    While 2-4 hours/day work for 5 days/week is apparently the norm on WorkAway, I prefer to keep busy without a clock, especially when needed while sailing - preferably without pressure & deadlines.
    - HA! I'm not as strong & energetic as during my 30's - thus I go slower, for longer. A Zulu "ring-head" (wise elderly) explained years ago - they work slower because the work will never end, but their hearts last longer than the white men in a rush "trying to finish" the work :)

    I’m a frugal light-consumer and respectfully uses other’s tools & home (everything has a place) - and stingy with water & electricity usage, especially onboard & off-grid. Clean rain-water, wind & sun are usually provided free and in abundance for harvesting.
    - Light handyman (basic woodwork, basic AC/DC wiring, etc), with innovative & logic outside-the-box ideas with Design Engineer certification, to up-cycle what’s on hand. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure style. As examples - during 2023 I planned & built a 9x13 Ft chicken-coop & fenced off sections of my backyard as chicken-runs - built an 8x10 Ft garden-shed from the ground up with help - built a 12x24 Ft deck with help - and various raised garden-beds & trellises for vertical gardening. All from free recycled materials, except fencing, netting, & screws.
    - Seasickness and panic/fright is unknown to me - proven in the war, sailing various locations (45+ knot SE'r is ave in Cape Town), cross-ocean cruising, and lately 18-wheel trucking in the US on icy roads.
    - Thus I can follow orders, yet have been in a well-liked professional managerial career most of my life in South Africa, before living in the US.

    As a bachelor/widower for longer than being married and not a fussy eater, I usually cook simple/quick (spicy) healthy home-style meals & soups with more veggies than meat/fish, preferably with brown rice or whole-wheat pasta. Enjoy most meats (not steaks), but prefer any fish/sea-foods any time of day. Yip, can braai (SA-style BBQ). Also loves super-healthy organ meats - make my own liver-pate, steak & kidney pies, tripe & trotters stew, ox-tongue, bone-stock, etc. Bake my own hearty wholewheat sourdough breads and fluffy banana-breads, make jams, yogurt, biltong (SA-style jerky) and skinless dried-sausage. Also preserve some foods with drying or canning.
    - Ofcourse I've been promoted by now to Chief Executive Onion-peeler & Dishwasher. I learned from clever house-wives - trust me, there's a trick to every (simple) task :)
    - There’s a place & time for junk-fff ...uh, quick-foods - once a week, from a local food-stand or preferably healthier homemade pizza or burgers with (sweet potato) chips/fries. A PB & homemade jam sandwich is still my favorite snack. HA! have even figured how to keep melted cheese IN a pannini/grilled sandwich :)
    - Do my own laundry & house-cleaning. BTW, I have my own ez/cheap off-grid design for sweat & $-free laundry onboard while at anchor - no bloody bucket.

    I actually live Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness - and up-cycling to the hilt. Yet not a ninny primadonna afraid to get my hands dirty, including disassembling a blocked toilet-pump - mine & other’s smell the same. What one have to deal with while growing-up poor or during a war can get real nasty. It washes off easily enough. HA! believe me, it’s not worst than my ex-Au-naturel maggot-bucket for the chickens, until I switched to odorless cricket-farming :)
    - Ego? What's that?

  • Interessengebiete

    Segeln / Boote
    Heimwerken & DIY
    Kochen & Backen
  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Afrikaans: Fließend
    Englisch: Fließend

  • Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    - Can teach, ...in theory... the insides/design of any engine, and the art of welding - but are not hands-on with either - NNNGGGGG! :)
    - If you have (battery) power tools - can sand/drill all day long, and paint/varnish - in the shade, with breaks. Patience is a virtue - while sailing mid-Atlantic in ‘92 it took me only 4 days to turn my 220V drill-chuck by hand to drill four 6mm holes through 3mm SS plates to make support brackets for the vibrating water/exhaust elbow.
    - Can Google and Youtube anything - and most probably be able to help with computer/online programs - I’m a fast learner. When I immigrated to the US 24 years ago, I self-learned to take digital pics & created my own website for the handmade African Art that I imported and sold retail, plus created news-print ads with Photoshop (a new-to-me program).
    - Rented out rooms in my last 7 bedroom house in South Africa to holiday-makers - after I built all the beds from wood. They all returned the following years until I sold up to immigrate to the US.
    - Can teach/explain a simple/cheap boat setup to fish deep-sea tuna by hand like the pro’s.
    - Can teach different ways of preserving various foods - drying & canning (if equipment is available).
    - Can teach & make lures from scratch with mostly “up-cycled junk” to catch different fish at different depths while sailing.
    - With hand-line, hook & sinker - WILL catch fish in clear visible shallow water, even without a nibble from the dinghies, like I did at Fernando de Noronha Island in Brazil :)
    - With a sturdy plastic table-cloth and an extra sink-drain - WILL catch enough rain for endless fresh-water showers & drinking, plus for a few buddy-boats :)
    Believe me - I figured out a few tricks, made & used it with success while cruising, hehehe.
    - Can help with splicing of cable & rope - basic rigging was part of my apprenticeship as Millwright (diploma).
    - My navigation on paper charts during 1992, with mayyybe once a day SatNav's Lat-&-Long and dead-reckoning (those were the days), fetched St Helena Island in mid-Atlantic on our bow “with German Precision” - being an ex-Draughtsman helped. A feat many cruisers failed, and failed to admit those years.
    My navigation & rigging skills are rusty by now, but I’m a quick learner.
    - Have the calm patience to teach theory & practical sailing on small craft like Hobie’s, as I had one myself (love to see people flourish in a learning-curve) - and love snorkeling (mainly for food).
    - My Padi open-ocean dive license is long unused, but willing to reactivate if really needed.
    - Can teach card-games like Bridge and Canasta, and love the drama (arguing/bantering) of most board-games.
    - Can teach a few global historical events, as I love the origins of today - in my simple attempt to figure out people/societies and Life. I’m too old to have any taboo’s, so don’t get me started on REAL politics & Gospel - but be ready for a few surprises :)
    - My impromptu flower arrangements from my South African backyards were always a hit for visitors. My older sister loved to have me help years ago in her very successful flower boutique and with her well-known wedding-decorating business across the country (including my own daughter’s). Neither had formal training - just a natural/wild flair in our genes. After a few months in the US, the once bare backyard of my now-deceased wife in Tampa FL became a favourite to the local Garden Society tours - with my home-built pathways, large fish-pond with waterfall, and tropical plants.

  • Alter


  • Was noch ...

    Can never remember any, thus I never tell jokes. But I can kill a few hours by solving the world’s problems without fear and with much laughter about any professional sports, politics, sex and religions - without expecting anyone to follow my advice, preferably while everyone are (relatively) sober.

    Besides cutting men’s hair and bicycle repair skills - can my off-road biking skills from yesteryear assist you?
    Was a top-notch sharpshooter in the Army - but I don’t hunt/murder Bambi.

    My external HD has extended libraries of organic gardening, recipe’s, movies (mostly action) and music (80’s classic-rock to light-metal) to follow, watch or listen (not copy).

    I planned to buy my own sailing catamaran, but can’t find a soulmate. I promise, I don’t talk as much as I write - and if you read All-The-Above, you must be just as nutty (or serious) as I am :)

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