Ich bin gerade
unterwegs auf Reisen
I’m from North Carolina US but have been working in California about the half of the year for 8 years. I love the water: swimming, snorkeling, surfing, paddle boarding. Long distance backpacking and camping are also my happy places. I like to look at new plants and birds while I’m traveling , and have had great experiences doing work trade in Brazil, Nicaragua, and Oregon United States. Currently I’m traveling in Italy and hope to find a good fit! I’m active and have gardening experience.Interessengebiete
LGBTQGebirgeMusikOutdoor-AktivitätenHaustiereGärtnernSegeln / BooteNachhaltigkeitWassersportYoga / WellnessLeben im Camper-VanFotografieNaturFilm & FernsehenSprachenTrampenZeichnen & MalenKochen & BackenBücherTischlerarbeitenStrandTiereKunst & DesignArchitekturHeimwerken & DIYWandernFarmarbeitKulturCampingAstronomieSprachen
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Englisch: FließendMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
I’m happy to share my English, would love to increase my Spanish skills and am happy to try out others.Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Mithilfe auf einem BauernhofBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenHausarbeitenHandwerkliche ArbeitenHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I’m talented at attention to detail, and know how to take care of plants. I’m good at working with people or by myself if necessary, and have an affinity for wild quiet places.Alter
Was noch ...
I love games! And usually travel with cards, dice, or a game called Hive (with me currently). I almost always carry binoculars in case of a new bird or far off view. I love to cook, and to eat new and different things is always a treat.
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