Ich bin gerade
unterwegs auf Reisen
Tätigkeiten, die mich interessieren:
Basketball, ping pong, qi gong, martial arts, freerunning/parkour, self/inner work, trail maintenance, nomadic craftery, tropicality, rhymes, biological architecture, outdoorsiness, ecovillage/tribe
Mein nächstes Reiseziel:
Costa Rica - von Okt 2024 bis Feb 2025 Alle anzeigenBeschreibung
I am about harmony and balance, although rough times and disharmony can create super duper strong character. Persistence and team work will pull us through down the stretch to make the dream work.
Born and raised in the Bay area , northern California, USA
37 yrs. Of age.
At this time I am open to learn any skills that are useful when it comes to owning land. Which is one of the goals down the line. I have no particular specialty in any field but I have a passion for self sustainability and living in wholeness with the land.
I have WWOOF'd and Workaway'd in 6 spots total since 2018ish helping hosts with their lands so i have a little
experience in farming/homesteading/elbow grease. I'm cool with all animals. I've used most common/basic tools and earlier this year learned to use a chainsaw. Im able bodied and have no major injuries or surgeries done. I am comfortable with physical labor tasks like weeding, simple fencing, cleaning around animals, moving stuff, climbing, crawling etc...
I am fine working independently as well as in big groups. I look to pull my weight and be a good contributor to the work as well as the community of people as best as I can.
I enjoy tropical or warmer weather, outdoorsiness, jam sessions, books of knowledge, any types of body movement like martial arts, qi gong, jumprope, parkour, basketball, ping pong, functional excercise. I enjoy philosophy, meditations, breathwork, a little chess. I have no food allergies. I'll eat whatever is available, but I prefer more vegetarian and fruits.Interessengebiete
SchreibenVegetarier / VeganerMannschaftssportartenSelbstentwicklungNachhaltigkeitGärtnernNaturOutdoor-AktivitätenMusikGebirgeGartenarbeitenTischlerarbeitenBücherStrandWandernFitnessFarmarbeitHeimwerken & DIYKulturKaritative ArbeitenCampingArchitekturErlebnissportartenSprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Englisch: FließendMehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
Im interested in learning more tagalog.And i jump around learning spanish and japanese on "duolingo" and "mango"Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Karitative ArbeitKunstprojekteÖkoprojekteHeimwerker- und BauarbeitenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofHandwerkliche ArbeitenBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
GartenarbeitenHilfe mit Computer /InternetHausarbeitenHouse sittingWas könntest du arbeiten?
I have good people skills as far as being easy going, open to interaction, and being flexible minded in learning and collaborating.
Great listener (also no eardrum damage)
I know simple car maintenance
Cleanliness living area/work area
Good spatial awareness, Coordination (non-clumsy)
Physical labor in simple farm work simple yard work simple garden work.
Recently learned to use a chainsaw in Feb.2024
I have no expertise in any one area or skill, but I am open to learn.Alter
Was noch ...
I recently took an aircrete building workshop. I can share some knowledge on aircrete building.
I spent 2 months at a Buddhist Monastery in 2024
I love playing basketball
I've done some epoxy resin art, mostly orgone.
I can make simple hacky sacks (footbag)
I can share some qi gong movements and concepts.Etwas mehr Information
NoSpezielle Ernährung
Great place to get away from… read more
Great place to get away from… read more