Abzeichen (2)

Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
We are two Kiwi girls taking on South America for seven months!
We are easy going and have a laid back nature but are not afraid of hard work.
We would love to be immersed in local culture and are excited about experiencing all that it has to offer.
We both enjoy working in the outdoors and keen to try new things, to meet new people and will give anything a go.
We are both big food and wine lovers.Interessengebiete
SchreibenTechnikMusikGeschichteEvents & SoziallebenKochen & BackenStrandMannschaftssportartenWandernKaritative ArbeitenNachhaltigkeitGebirgeGartenarbeitenSelbstentwicklungSprachenHeimwerken & DIYCampingBücherOutdoor-AktivitätenYoga / WellnessLeben im Camper-VanNaturFarmarbeitKulturBloggingGesprochene Sprachen
Spanisch: Grundkenntnisse
Bereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Handwerkliche Arbeiten
Karitative Arbeit
Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
Was könntest du arbeiten?
Before starting the South America, Beckie worked as a trained journalist for a newspaper in New Zealand for two years. She studied a Bachelor of Arts, and a Diploma in Journalism.
- In 2012, Beckie spent a year in Argentina where she learnt conversational Spanish, and volunteered in English classes and institutes.
- She holds an ESOL English certificate completed in 2014.
- She has ten years experience in hospitality, as a trained barista, and has worked in front of house, a kitchen hand and food prep, and in bar, as well as running a food van over a summer period.
- She grew up in the country, meaning she spent a lot time on the farm and outdoors.
- She has worked in an Information Centre, as well as tourism businesses that delt with foreigners on a day-to-day basis.
- Over the past ten years, she has worked in accommodation facilities, including co-running a BnB as well as many years of housekeeping.
- She is a keen handy-woman with basic tools knowledge and sewing.
- She has travelled to Australia, Bali, and Europe.
Before here overseas experiences Jayne completed a Bachelor of Psychology Degree in Wellington, New Zealand. Since then she has lived in London and travelled across Europe, Canada, Oceania and now through South America.
Some of her experience and skills include:
- 5 years experience in the tourism industry in NZ (booking tours, guiding, working with inter national travelers)
- trained barista, hospitality and kitchen experience
- Agriculture experience (Kiwi Orchard pruning and picking and dairy farming in NZ)
- Reception and administration experience whilst living in London including accommodation reservations, basic social media, meals, PA, cash handling and tour bookings.
- Nannying for primary aged school children
- Basic handy-man/woman skills
- Jayne speaks Spanish at beginners levelAlter
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