Abzeichen (2)
Ich bin gerade
zu Hause
My name is Lea. I am 20 years old, and I have for a year been studying agribusiness and landscape management (Jordbrugsteknolog in danish). However, I have decided to take a year off from my studies, as I wish to travel and work abroad. In this context I hope to broaden my horizons and gain some practical experience, as well as meeting new people.
I am very passionate about working with animals, agriculture and nature, and I would love to give a helping hand at farmstays, animal sanctuaries or something related to nature. My studies have provided me with valuable knowledge about agriculture, nature and sustainability. I do not have any practical experience in these fields yet, but I would love to gain some! I am always keen to gain more skills!
I consider myself an open-minded, friendly and kind person who loves meeting new people and learning about other cultures. I have experience from working in a nursing home and in the restaurant industry, which have provided me with valuable skills about multitasking, teamwork, communication and problem solving.
Additionally, i love to crochet, read and spend time in nature in my free time.Interessengebiete
Vegetarier / VeganerNachhaltigkeitHaustiereNaturGartenarbeitenWandernFarmarbeitKochen & BackenBücherTiereGesprochene Sprachen
Danish: Fließend
Englisch: Fließend
Deutsch: GrundkenntnisseBereiche, die mich interessieren oder in denen ich anderen etwas beibringen kann
Interessiert mich:
Karitative ArbeitGartenarbeitenBetreuung von TierenMithilfe auf einem BauernhofZubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die FamilieKunstprojekteHouse sittingBereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden
ÖkoprojekteSeniorenbetreuungHausarbeitenWas könntest du arbeiten?
I have previous experience working in a nursing home and in the restaurant industry. I am a well-organized person who is thorough in my work, as well as a quick learner. In addition I am not afraid of getting dirty, and can work in any weather.
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