Aufenthalte bei Gastfamilien, Volunteering & Working Holidays in Mosambik

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Help out and share your skills at our lodge on the beach in Pemba, Mozambique
I am blessed enough to have to operate Nzuwa Lodge, located on a beautiful beach on the outskirts of Pemba, Mozambique. The lodge has 3 beachfront bungalows, 2 vista rooms, 2 self catering family suits, a bar, restaurant and pool. The lodge is set ......


  • Sprachaustausch
  • Kultureller Austausch
    Kultureller Austausch
Help my son learn new languages in Maputo, Mozambique
Here close to the house we have the beach and in the morning and at dusk people walk and do exercises. It also has restaurants and open markets selling fresh seafood. There are fishermen and islands nearby. In the city center there are historical ......


  • Nachhaltiges Projekt
    Nachhaltiges Projekt
  • Sprachaustausch
Permaculture farm welcomes a carpenter to help in Xai Xai, Mozambique
It’s paradise place from 5 hectares land in Xai Xai in Mozambique. I’m Julia from Germany and my husband Feliz is from Mozambique. We are in the beginning stages of our permaculture journey in in this beautiful tropical country. We need all the help ......