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Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer: Keine Vorgaben
So you think we humans should be living closer to nature? But could you stand it?
We challange you :)
For instance
1: Here we still live without running water so we fetch it from far away (without hardly any carbon dioxide pollution, read more below) and thus we are economical with it. We shower at a sport facility half an hours bicycle ride from here, and in between the showers we fix the hygiene with just a soap, washcloth and a water in a bowl in the garden (you will have your own 'shower room').
Yes, we plan to drill for own water, maybe this year (see below), because this way of getting water isn't holdable in the long run. But we have been living like this for like six years now and it is actually really good in the sense that It humbles you. Truly. You begin valuing water and look upon it with new eyes. Already the thought of pooping in clean lifegiving water starts to feel so freaking stupid that of course you have no other choice but to use a dry toilet (urine separating so no stench) from now on - or if you are advanced: a biogas toilet which of course demands water but not necessarily drinkable. Such solutions makes no difference in you toilet 'experience' though, or maybe even increases the pleasure with the enviroment in mind :)
2: And so we don't have a sewage treatment either. This means that we also really need to think on how to clean off greasy oily hands for instance (which we do by getting almost all oil on paper that can be burned - and of course by steering our use of grease and oil from mineral based towards vegetable and animal based). Because we throw the water right out 'the window' today.
Not that it would make any difference if we had a sewage treatment today since there is no sewage treatment that can take away every nasty thing that we pollute the water with, be it mineral oil, micro plastics or what not. But when you just throw the wastewater out the window, on your flowers or - if you would be crazy - on your veggies, then you really start thinking: "What the heck are we doing to our planet? Where do all the microplastics end after leaving our plastic fantastic textiles in the laundry machine for instance?" (Spoliler alert: in the water, animals, plants and in the end in us too).
So the natural consequence is that you start to see all the plastic products that you thought were so handy, you start becoming disturbed on it and you start looking for natural materials even if not as convenient, cheap or even easy to find today.
3: So far we don't even have central heating. That is of course of no issue for you since you are likely here only in summertime. But what _we_ do who live here year around is just like people in big houses have done for centuries: we lock down 80% of the house in the winter time and live in a cosy minor part which we can heat up. So while spoiled people cry like babies over expensive heating bills and not being able to produce an excess of enviromental damaging heat, we sit in our warm tight compartment and count all money we saved (ok ok, we don't. What we do is to work less instead and by so we have time to live, and that's worth more than money).
With this said: of course you always want to try to find smart solutions so that a natural life still can be convenient. We don't propose collecting rainwater in leaves, shivering in a mouldy cave. You _can_ live a perfectly convenient green life. But it takes some thinking. Living with us makes you doing just that: start thinking.
-----WHAT WE OFFER-----
- No dorms. You have a room for yourself or with your companion - unless you _want_ to sleep in a dorm of course.
- Lending out our cars, motorcycles, bicycles, electric bicycles - whenever they are serviced.
- Taking you out on pic-nics, events, creating some music together perhaps.
- Giving you other experiences above the ordinary (painting or wallpapering), be it in field of
housewife such as cooking and sewing,
farmlife such as basketry, cultivating, animal husbandry (prepare and buy chicken and rabbits 2024),
handyman such as basic plumbing, installing floor heating, simple car service, reversing with trailer (yes, very usable :)
-----WHAT WE WISH FROM YOU - from easy to advanced-----
The surroundings are absolutly charming, only spoiled by our farm which - still after 6 years of ownership - is littered with fallen house parts, some vehicles and alot of other crap - more or less useful. Even fragments of PE-tarps. Annoying. We simply want to move it from this junkyard towards the paradise it deserves to be.
Putting up shelvings and tool boards and bring order in all tools and stuff. You see the need in the garage pic for instance.
We already grow different organic vegetables, have a growing amount of fruit trees.
This year, 2024, we really _must_ start getting chickens (again) and rabbits because we embrace the way our ancestors lived and survived and the way nature works, so we eat meat for sure. But to be clear: at this moment of writing the info here, we only have a cute scared cat. This info will be changed the second we get the chickens and rabbits her, I promise :) Hopefully you can help us prepare by building rabbit hutches and chicken coops?
Although we would love to even have our own cow to get milk from, we are far far from there yet. However, we do get our milk directly from a cow anyway at a farm close to here - unprocessed creamy yummy yummy :)
We actually have an old machine for water development (the green machine on one of the pics). It's a predecessor to the modern pneumatic machines and it's quite violent and dangerous but we hope to get it going this summer.
- We did convert a petrol car to ethanol over 20 years ago but have forgot how to do it now. Maybe you are interested in familiarise yourself with the matter (from YouTube?) and we convert some engine together?
We already drive some vehicle on biogas (just saying).
We drive our diesel engines on vegetable 'diesel' - 50% used fry or rape oil leftovers and 50% bought vego-based 'diesel'. 2023 we collected a huge batch and bought an old separator, yet to be tested and used.
- We have so many plans, be it solar projects (not electrical sun panels but the more effective and simple vacuum heaters combined with turbines for electricity that way), production of biogas (fermentation), hydrogen, a pond for natural sewage of 'gray water', and what not.
- Since the vehicles (crane truck, excavator and much more) will be of good use in this endeavour, it should be easy to understand why a mechanic to fix them is of highest interest right now.
- Or at least simpler tasks like cleaning, blasting and painting them is something to do if you lack mechanical skills.
Giving service to all the things you yourselves will use, like bikes, mc, cars - is also on the list.
Would you be interested in building a tiny house? Or restore a house with leaking roof, renovate windows and much more?
There's probably always something to do if you feel up for it. If not (because sometimes there isn't): perfect. We don't want you to work yourself to death. Take a ride, relax, play, read, sleep. Surely you have your own ideas on that.
Oh, and btw: don't expect us to have control over how many hours you work. You must tell us if you find that your working time exceeds the twenty (?) hours a week suggested. We have no intention to create a Gulag here :)Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten
Hilfe bei Ökoprojekten
Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
Handwerkliche Arbeiten
Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
UNO-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die dieser Gastgeber verfolgt
Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten
Well, whatever culture we may have, we gladly share it. Perhaps old buildings (houses) is the most prominent and obvious one, and otherwise food perhaps? ... famous Swedish dishes like erm... pizza? Sushi? No no, as a matter of fact Sara is an educated chef and loves to cook. I on the other hand suck at cooking ... which makes me ... a cook sucker 'doh'
What more ... music perhaps. We'll see what possibly could be called local culture in the todays international world.
What you could learn though - above painting and carpentry, which you already may have some experience of from other places - is skills we ourselves possess more or less: cooking, basic electricity, plumbing, reversing with trailer, basic welding, playing piano ... you name it. What do you wanna test? Driving a car (if you don't have a license or if you have but need more practice)? Shooting bow? A real rifle? You name it and we'll see what we can do.Arbeit
Depending on what you can:
sharing your knowledge - if it is advanced like chemistry, microscopy, economy or whatever: even more interesting,
repairing vehicles,
washing and painting vehicles,
painting, carpentry (on house, barn house, chicken coop, rabbit hutch)
general help around the house,
or even gathering information (like a secretary or such),
go shopping.
Whatever you can, tell us and we'll see if we can put it into use somehow.Sprachen
Gesprochene Sprachen
Swedish: Fließend
Englisch: Gute Kenntnisse
Deutsch: Grundkenntnisse
Spanisch: GrundkenntnisseDieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
We are absolutely open to teach you Swedish in case you have interest in learning it. We believe we can coarsly polish your Swedish language with one or two tweeks that will improve your pronounciation and formulation skills 50% in a strike. If we would take some lessons ourselves, we would prefere the big languages; like Spanish and German (because we have already started it), Frensch (because it is beautiful and surprisingly widely spread, not at least in Africa where we do have some contacts), Japanese (because of its interesting culture and we will likely go there. Sailing - remember?), Arabic (because ...? Dunno). It's only so much space in our limited brains, so the big languages are what we have to stick to.Unterkunft
Private room. Of course bed linnen is included.
Was noch ...
We have been travelling ourselves for 5 sequent months some years ago and by so we know at least how _we_ would like it would we be travelling again.
We eat meat here. That said, we try to manage the meals with as much respect to your desire and need as possible, for instance not sharing the same cooking equipment between a meat dish and a vego dish if you don't eat meat. I myself have been eating no meat during 13 years way back when I thought it was bad for me so I know how it 'feels' if mixing.
We are easygoing but far from socially needy in any way; we too need some time of our own, just as we think you do every now and then.
As a matter of fact: it may quite often happen that there is nothing to work with here. If you are a person who gets frustrated over that and have a need to be occupied (and you can't do it yourself by reading a book, playing a musical instrument or what not), then maybe this place isn't the best choice for you. Even we ourselves may feel stressed if you are on your toes and we don't have any work to offer. So hopefully you will be as alright with or without job (but of course, when we do have job, we expect your jolly participation :)
We think that your main reason for comming here is to enjoy a paradisiacal rural enviroment, rather than big town experiences. This is the absolute country side. The closest 'town' is Kristianstad with some 40 000 inhabitants, 15 km from here. Malmö, 10 times more poulated, is 70 km from here. However, there are beautiful small towns along the east-coast to visit with low tiny houses and roses climbing up the walls. Not to mention the billowy landscape right here as may be seen on some of the pics. And the many deer herds we stumble upon at our daily strolls and sometimes the sunsets in often spectacular colours. Priceless in our minds.
Internet is very slow here. We have no fiber and thus we use mobile card. We are talking 3-20 mbit/sec - with one user online!! By using your own phone with internet surf, you can at least be guarranteed this lousy speed. It is enough to see YouTube content with no stalling though.
Regarding hosting a family: it may absolutely be possible _if_ you have a very interesting skill to offer (primarily car/truck mechanic and/or chemist/microscopist as a starter). But contact us and we'll see.
And finally some matters for convenience of both parties:
E-cigarettes we can stand, but we are 100% anti real cigarettes, so we actually cannot invite smokers at all, not even smokers promising to only smoke 'somewhere else'. Sorry to say but it never works.
Opinions and discussions
Nature leads us. Therefore regarding
We - once again - eat meat. Not as much because we are used to it as because it is how our ancesters have done it and it has been a part of mankinds food for ever. We think everyone should realize the fragile society we live in and the necessity to ensure you can survive when shtf. There are other reasons as well. So despite some meaningful arguments against meet as food, the pros weighs heavier and thus we fully embrace this way of eating and honour the art of farming, preserving and preparing meat. This is how nature works; not only mankind eats other species - most other animals do. We have heard all arguments. We feel no need to discuss the subject further.
There is no one-style-fits-all. Especially when it comes to how people want to live their relations, it is a matter of personal choice or instincts - not a matter of 'democracy'. The antithesis of feminism isn't oppression or misogyny.
We oppose to what happens today with victimhood, offencehood, me too, not to mention this new insanity where guys (at least those on the lower 90% on the attractiveness scale) at gyms get filmed in and hanged out on internet if they happen to naturally glance at females they find attractive. Totally unacceptable.
We feel no need to discuss such a subject.
Other subjects:
In case you have unscientific or rare philosophies or opinions, at least expect them to be disputed. And in case you can't back up or explain an opinion or claim of yours, you are expected to admit that just as we will admit if we are in a comparing situation. This is the common way to handle ideas in the academic world, as opposed to grumbling silently, leaving in anger or continue to stubbornly argue what already has proven not to hold the first time(s). There's simply no time or space for alternative 'facts', foil hat mentality and trolling.
And a discussion is never a matter of who comes up first with the truth (or 'the so far most reasonable to believe'-truth) but to really find the truth/best/most reasonable so we can go forward.Etwas mehr Information
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Platz zum Abstellen von Camper Vans
If you have a camper, we can surely find a good spot with a nice view for you.
Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal
Feedback (2)
How wonderful it is to realize that the world is full of fantastic people.
Less than a day ago Marco left us for Italy again. What a guy. Super social with everybody, has met us with a shining curious smile every morning (and during the days as well :) - really addictive, and he has delightet us with his pasta skills. He… read more
Couldn't have wished for anything more. Easy to be with, polite, tidy, willing to jump into any given task with interest to learn new things, grasps quickly and can probably fix any task after a proper instuction, academically schooled as he is.
And for his academical background and… read more
Hans and Sara are really welcoming and thoughtful, and there wasn't a moment when I felt like an outsider. They are extremely easy to talk to, and I must admit that the conversations we had were on another level. It is hard to find people who are as open-minded and considerate as… read more
This young man was a surprisingly perfect Workawayer for us - polite, considerate, very knowledgeable in technical things, especially considering being only 20 yo. And humorous too. He is a thinker and listens to what you say - and consider it. Definitely intelligent.
Sem seems to perform best where he can take a lot of own… read more
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Kultureller Austausch:
How wonderful it is to realize that the world is full of fantastic people.
Less than a day ago Marco left us for Italy again. What a guy. Super social with everybody, has met us with a shining curious smile every morning (and during the days as well :) - really addictive, and he has delightet us with his pasta skills. He… read more
Couldn't have wished for anything more. Easy to be with, polite, tidy, willing to jump into any given task with interest to learn new things, grasps quickly and can probably fix any task after a proper instuction, academically schooled as he is.
And for his academical background and… read more
Hans and Sara are really welcoming and thoughtful, and there wasn't a moment when I felt like an outsider. They are extremely easy to talk to, and I must admit that the conversations we had were on another level. It is hard to find people who are as open-minded and considerate as… read more
This young man was a surprisingly perfect Workawayer for us - polite, considerate, very knowledgeable in technical things, especially considering being only 20 yo. And humorous too. He is a thinker and listens to what you say - and consider it. Definitely intelligent.
Sem seems to perform best where he can take a lot of own… read more