Medallas (3)
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Actividades que me interesan:
Completed a workaway in Quito, Ecuador, spent a week in Banos de Agua Santa, Ecuador. Then San Cristobal, Galapagos until mid-Aug, now back to Quito for a week, then Cuenca, Ecuador; all workaways.
Mi próximo destino:
Cuenca, Ecuador - Desde Ago 2024 Hasta Sep 2024 Ver todosDescripción
Growing up, my siblings and friends would always say I would make a great social worker or anything customer service related. I guess they all found me very sociable, friendly, considerate, empathetic, reliable and not afraid to let my principles guide any situation which arose. I didn’t become a social worker, but I have always been involved in the services industry; be it as a cashier, hostess at numerous restaurants, or retail outlet in my teenage years, to eventually becoming a manager of global customer services. I worked in many sectors as a services lead; retail, hospitality, software development companies, healthcare services etc.
I am a curious person by nature, and have a lot of compassion and empathy for those less fortunate and/or need help. I didn’t do the backpacking abroad in my teens or early 20’s, but I have always been keen on traveling whenever I had the opportunity. I found myself to be a single parent when my daughter was 4.5 yrs old, so with her growing needs, she was my sole focus until she reached university age. In more recent years, now with my daughter married and other circumstances, I finally have the opportunity to travel. I found how much more meaningful it is when you have someone to share experiences with. My friends don’t have time to travel with me as they have their own families to travel with, but it isn’t about traveling with someone so much as it is about who/whom you meet and experiencing the true culture of the destination.
Therefore, needless to say among the top rewards of being able to travel, is the experience of meeting people from all over the world. The wealth of insight one can gain from traveling and meeting others is invaluable!
I am truly interested in making a positive impact to a host’s environment, and in exchange I would reap the reward by exchanging my culture with everyone I am fortunate enough to meet.Intereses
Cuidado de plantasFotografíaMascotasAstronomíaModa y bellezaIdiomasAutodesarrolloTrabajo de caridadEscrituraMúsicaEventos y sociedadCocina y alimentaciónArte y diseñoBricolaje y manualidadesBaileYoga / bienestarPolítica / justicia socialNaturalezaBloggingIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Inglés: Fluido
Taiwanese Hokkien (Taigi): Intermedio
Taiwanese Mandarin: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
I have an interest in learning Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Italian and French.Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Trabajo de caridadCiertos conocimientos de:
Ayuda domésticaHostelería/turismoAyuda con ordenadores/InternetPuedo enseñar:
Proyectos artísticosIdiomasCompañía para ancianosEnseñanzaCuidado de niños y juegos creativosCocinar para toda la familiaQue habilidades tienes?
As mentioned, my entire background has been in the services industry. I have worked as a cashier; a hostess, a payroll clerk and many positions in the hospitality industry; a manager in software development, writing/documentation/editing; program developer with seniors and inter-generational relations; organizer of many events, fashion shows and fundraisers. I was a registered massage therapist and worked as a manager at a women only gym, using my anatomy skills to enhance what I was able to offer the clients.
I am a creative individual focusing on arts and crafts for seniors and children. I also create age and physically appropriate exercises. I truly enjoy dancing, singing and teaching English or anything I have an aptitude for to those with less experience.Edad
Más información
Permiso de conducir
Mosquito or other insect bites cause an allergic reaction in me.Dieta especial
I need to have low sodium and I have a sensitivity to dairy and gluten, but can tolerate them in moderation.
We're really going to miss Kathryn! She's such a beautiful person and always willing to… read more
My family and I had the opportunity to practice English with a high level and also taste Sukiyaki (a Japanese dish) who was prepared by Kathryn with the main ingredient "love".
I wish all the best in her next adventures.
Her home and my accommodations: G's place is a beautiful 2 level townhome with 2.5 baths and I had a spacious and sunny private room. I also had a private bathroom next door to my bedroom. There is a huge rooftop balcony, as well as another veranda through the sliding doors next to the… read more
The family welcomed me and showed me to a lovely private hotel… read more
We're really going to miss Kathryn! She's such a beautiful person and always willing to… read more
My family and I had the opportunity to practice English with a high level and also taste Sukiyaki (a Japanese dish) who was prepared by Kathryn with the main ingredient "love".
I wish all the best in her next adventures.
Her home and my accommodations: G's place is a beautiful 2 level townhome with 2.5 baths and I had a spacious and sunny private room. I also had a private bathroom next door to my bedroom. There is a huge rooftop balcony, as well as another veranda through the sliding doors next to the… read more
The family welcomed me and showed me to a lovely private hotel… read more
Kathryn is always with a smile on her face and knows how to help the… read more