Medallas (3)

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Información de viaje
Ahora estoy
Mi próximo destino:
Vietnam - Desde Ene 2025 Hasta Feb 2025 Ver todosDescripción
With workaway, I hope to foster my love for travelling, meeting new people, and learning new things. I am an open-minded, thoughtful, and optimistic person that is in for a challenge. Besides, I'm passionate about sustainability and veganism. In my free time, I enjoy reading, creative stuff like writing and painting, and playing music. In addition, I am interested in psychology (which I study), philosophy, and education.
In 2023, I spent a semester in Umeå, Sweden, and greatly enjoyed the freedom, nature, and adventure this time brought me. In the summer of 2024 I went back to a different part of the country with workaway. I had a great time experiencing the more rural part of Swedish culture and learned more practical skills! From the new year on, I will travel through Asia for 5 months. I am sure workaway will help me gain the true cultural experience that I am looking for and I'm excited for this next adventure!Intereses
LibrosLGBT+AutodesarrolloSostenibilidadArte y diseñoBricolaje y manualidadesIdiomasEscrituraMúsicaNaturalezaVida en autocaravanaVegetariano o veganoIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Inglés: Fluido
Holandés: Fluido
Swedish: IntermedioMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
I love learning languages!Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Trabajo de caridad
Proyectos artísticos
Proyectos ecológicos
Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
Mantenimiento general
Ciertos conocimientos de:
Ayuda doméstica
Puedo enseñar:
Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
Cocinar para toda la familia
Que habilidades tienes?
I have a lot of experience working with children. I babysat, tutored, taught classes and managed after school care groups. I enjoy play time, arts and crafts, and also teaching the children new skills or helping with homework. From my psychology studies, I know a lot about people and learned conversational skills, writing, and critical reading - all in English.
I enjoy cooking and baking (vegan) foods and have been doing so for many years. In addition, I'm an amateur hairdresser for my (brave) friends and family members :)Edad
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