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Información de viaje
Ahora estoy
Actividades que me interesan:
Nature, animals of all kind, music and creativity are things I love. :)
I like to be outside and active, to try things but also cozyness. I am very grateful to see the world and to help others.Mi próximo destino:
Greece - Desde Mar 2025 Hasta Mar 2025 Ver todosDescripción
Hej :)
I am ida.
After finishing school in a small village, I started to travel, doing working experiences and working voluntarily in different projects, as I wanted to see a bit more of the world we are living in before constantly moving to one place.
This time truly showed me the beauty of our planet but also helped me to learn and grow.
A long time I was working with animals, but also with nature and ecology. A bit later I started to take care of children, and stilll I like to be there for humans.
I am a happy and friendly person, who enjoys to spend time with others but I am also fine with being alone and do not need much to be happy. I am very interested the variety of cultures, languages and landscapes and the different ways of living you can learn from.
For me it is an important aspect to help and to give the people and the places I visit something back.
For a long time I learned danish and the idea for the coming year is to study veterinary medicine in Denmark. :)Intereses
NaturalezaAnimalesDeportes de inviernoCuidado de plantasDeportes acuáticosNavegar / barcosSenderismoMontañaMascotasBricolaje y manualidadesActividades al aire libreYoga / bienestarEscrituraCocina y alimentaciónArtes escénicasDeportes de aventuraCulturaMúsicaArte y diseñoSostenibilidadAutodesarrolloIdiomasDibujo y pinturaVegetariano o veganoTrabajo de caridadJardineríaFitnessAgriculturaLibrosAstronomíaIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Danish: Fluido
Alemán: Fluido
Inglés: Fluido
Norwegian: Intermedio
Swedish: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
All oportunities to learn a new language are very welcome. :)Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Proyectos ecológicos
Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
Ciertos conocimientos de:
Mantenimiento general
Trabajo de caridad
Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
Compañía para ancianos
Puedo enseñar:
Proyectos artísticos
Cuidado de animales
Vida en una granja
Cocinar para toda la familia
Ayuda doméstica
Que habilidades tienes?
After working a lot with animals, taking care of them seems natural to me and I know some things about their needs and wellbeing.
Working outside and in the nature is no problem at all. I play guitar and like to do creative work (every kind of art especially illustration) but also handcrafts. I worked in familys, helping with daily tasks and took care of babys and children :) Besides, I have some working experience in services as hostles as well as vegan cooking/baking.
I am responsible, willing to help, eger to learn and patient.Edad
Más información
Permiso de conducir
Dieta especial
I decided to eat vegan for many reasons (animals themselves, climate,... ) But I do not want to make things difficult, I eat almost everything exept animal products and would like to cook/bake and help :)
Kiitos Paljon for the wonderful time. To stay with you at your heaven on earth was an experience in it self. The beauty that surrounded us every day, the nature of finnish lakes and forrests, learning about your culture and country and the sharing of stories, experiences, thoughts and ways of living ment a lot to me and I… read more
Tusind Tak for tiden hos jer i Torshavn på Færøerne. Jeg er meget glad og taknemmelig for at kunne opleve de vidunderlige øer og livet i Torshavn for næsten en måned. I visede mig så meget, var altid venlig og fortalte om jers land, jeg vil aldrig glemme den tid. Jeg ønsker jer alt det bedste til… read more
Kiitos Paljon for the wonderful time. To stay with you at your heaven on earth was an experience in it self. The beauty that surrounded us every day, the nature of finnish lakes and forrests, learning about your culture and country and the sharing of stories, experiences, thoughts and ways of living ment a lot to me and I… read more
Tusind Tak for tiden hos jer i Torshavn på Færøerne. Jeg er meget glad og taknemmelig for at kunne opleve de vidunderlige øer og livet i Torshavn for næsten en måned. I visede mig så meget, var altid venlig og fortalte om jers land, jeg vil aldrig glemme den tid. Jeg ønsker jer alt det bedste til… read more
The time in Frieslân made my Netherlandsjourney to a unique memory. The two saved me a bit when I was at a not so nice place by welcoming me at De Setelphoeve spontaniously. From arrival until good bye I felt welcomed. It was wonderfull to get to know Silvia and Harry who are undescribably kind human beings and they… read more
Thank you for this time. It was my second stay at the Brünig-Naturfreundehaus and i enjoyed every day. Taking care if the babys was wonderfull and I liked listeninig to your thoughts about growing up and being human. In the spare time i made small labels for jars and tried to organize the books a bit, which I loved too. The… read more
She really did… read more
Both Jackie and Victor are very nice, easy and they avoid stress which is a rarity in our modern world. They made me feel comofortable from the begining. :)
The firts week we worked a lot and prepared the property for a photoshoot. I learned about plants,… read more
Ida was staying one month helping with anumal care, house keeping, cooking, cleaning, gardening. She would rather… read more
You are more than all a positive, humble person, and you take every task in with a smile. Even though we tried to teach you not to work so many hours, we could not teach you that. ;) When our pony got sick you stood up… read more