Medallas (5)

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Nuestro próximo destino:
Germany - Desde Ago 2024 Ver todosDescripción
We had good experience with Workaway while we where travelling in New Zealand, Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Germany. We like to meet new people and do gardenwork, sewingwork, repairing/carpentry, painting, cooking, manage campsite, selfsustainable projects.
PlayaCocina y alimentaciónTecnologíaVida en autocaravanaMúsicaAutodesarrolloArtes escénicasMontañaIdiomasBricolaje y manualidadesArte y diseñoCulturaYoga / bienestarSostenibilidadNaturalezaActividades al aire libreCuidado de plantasJardineríaSenderismoEventos y sociedadBaileCiclismoAcampadaTrabajo de caridadCarpinteríaVegetariano o veganoIdiomas hablados
Holandés: Fluido
Alemán: Intermedio
Inglés: Intermedio
Finnish: IntermedioHabilidades y conocimientos que queremos compartir o aprender
Nos interesa:
Proyectos ecológicos
Ciertos conocimientos de:
Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
Ayuda doméstica
Mantenimiento general
Que habilidades tienes?
Hans has been working as a social worker and Anja as a special teacher.
Hans is good in repairing furniture etc, carpenterwork, chopping wood, painting, gardenwork, selfsustainable projects.
Anja is good in working with children, sewingwork, gardenwork, cooking, painting, selfsustainable projects.Edad
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Dieta especial
We liked very much to live in this 100 years old house and the wide, natural space around it.
When we started I ( Anja) became directly ill. For 4 days I could not do much and it felt good that Olli was very understanding about that.
The work we… read more
For 4 days they where away; we took care of the house, cats and chickens. The other days we enjoyed being partly together with them and the children. There 's a nice, homely atmosphere. Sarah was clearly to us about the tasks we did and was grateful afterwards. We had a good… read more
Lourdes is very good in communication and tells clearly what she expexts. She is a superorganizer; taking care of kids, working and reparing materials and making a lot of things herself. It was interesting to see her life also… read more