Información importante sobre los viajes a: Tailandia
Si vas a visitar Tailandia como voluntario, y no como turista, necesitarás el visado correspondiente. Si quieres más información, ponte en contacto con la embajada de tu país antes de viajar.
Meaning of the colours:
Workawayers necesitados
Workawayers posiblemente necesitados
No disponible
By default (toggle switch to the left) hosts who have both yellow AND green indicated for the months
you have selected will be shown. If you move the toggle to the right ONLY hosts who have indicated
green will be shown.
Meaning of this:
By default (toggle switch to the left) will show hosts who have ANY of the months you have chosen
marked as available. This means that some of the months might be marked red (no availability.) If
you need to see ALL of the months you have selected as available move the toggle to the right.
We've started to set up a learning centre near Chiang Rai to promote natural building techniques mainly utilizing earth, straw, timber and bamboo. We are only a couple (French, Thai) and really need some help from motivated volunteers to help us to ......