Passionate about woodwork, gardening, DIY projects and become part of our happy family in Radevormwald, Germany

  • 39 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 22 ago 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 2 semanas



  • Descripción


    We are a musical, social and creative family and we try to live as sustainable as currently possible and cook fresh and organic food from scratch every day.

    We make a lot of music and creative things, like painting and working with wood and grow our own vegetables in our garden. Our place is quite private on the countryside about 40 km from Cologne and other big cities but also very close to the city center of the small town we live in. There is always something to do taking care of everything in- and outdoors. We love the outdoor and being out with the kids on our property letting them play and explore is something we do on a daily basis.

    Our daughter Luca is 5, goes to a outdoor kindergarten in the neighbouring forest and is always full of fantasy and positive energy.
    Our son Leto, aged 2, ist our haven of tranquility, constantly smiling and discovering the world.

    Singles, couples or small families are very welcome: Our room and bed is more than big enough for two persons or a small family.
    We are open to longstays as well! We suggest to consider the first 3 days as a trial-period to find out if it works for you and us. If it’s a fit, longterm stays are welcome. If it's a really good fit, you can move in with us ;-)

    Some of the projects and chores in short (please note that nothing is a must and you can choose what fits you best): spend some quality time with our kids, teach them English in case you are a native speaker, cook dinner, cut down many trees in our garden, chop wood for the open fire place, repair the floor of the future chicken stable, build a staw bale wall, cultivate our permaculture garden, do some paintwork outside, repairing, maintaining and the like... apart from that we expect every workawayer, like in every chared flat, to do their normal share of household chores.

    Some of the things to enjoy, experience and learn in short: German, open fireplace, lovely food, fermenting, music sessions with Maré, new friendships, good food, political discussions, sauna, massage room, hammock, slackline, trampolin, cycling with one of our e-bike along the seemingly endless bike trails here, campfire and bathtub with warm water in the garden, endless hiking and cycling trails, grow vegetables with Mira, quality time with and big smiles from our kids, Yoga with Mira, short trips to Cologne, Düsseldorf or Wuppertal,...


    Wir lieben neue Begegnungen mit interessanten und vor allem authentischen Menschen und arbeiten viel lieber gemeinsam an Projekten als alleine. Deshalb sind wir schon ganz gespannt und freuen uns sehr auf unsere ersten Begegnungen durch Workaway.

    Mira ist ein sehr offener, ehrlicher und positiver Mensch, der sich gut in andere Menschen einfühlen und eine Verbindung zu ihnen aufbauen kann. Vor der Geburt ihrer dreijährigen Tochter hat viele Jahre in einer Hausgemeinschaft gelebt. Für sie ist es sehr wichtig, Teil einer Gemeinschaft zu sein und Zeit mit vertrauten Menschen zu verbringen, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und voneinander zu lernen. Mira liebt es Mama zu sein, handwerkliche Projekte anzupacken, Dinge selbst zu machen und zu kochen. Nachhaltigkeit liegt ihr sehr am Herzen. Wenn sie nicht Biologie- und Englischlehrerin wäre, würde sie deshalb am liebsten den ganzen Tag mit Holz arbeiten, Projekte verwirklichen und mit ihren Kindern im Gemüsegarten stehen.

    Maré ist ein authentischer, ehrlicher und herzensguter Mensch. Er kann andere Menschen sehr gut lesen und es ist ihm deshalb unglaublich wichtig, dass seine Mitmenschen ebenfalls ehrlich und authentisch sind, sich nicht verstellen, sich nicht durch moralisch fragwürdige Jobs bereichern und bestenfalls politisch denken und handeln. Er kann sehr gut kochen, Autos reparieren, alle möglichen technischen Probleme lösen und macht die Dinge, die er anpackt sehr ordentlich. Am liebsten arbeitet er Hand in Hand. Maré liebt es Papa zu sein und viel Zeit mit seinen Kindern zu verbringen. Außerdem ist er unglaublich glücklich wenn er Musik macht und auf großen Bühnen steht.

    In unserer Erziehung gehen wir davon aus, dass alle Menschen das Bedürfnis haben, zum Wohle der Gemeinschaft beizutragen und erziehen bedürfnisorientiert und nach den Grundsätzen der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation nach Marchall Rosenberg.

    Luca Mijona ist vier Jahre alt und ein sehr mutiges Kind voller Phantasie und Kreativität. Sie fasst ganz schnell Vertrauen wenn sich neue Menschen in ihrer Umgebung auf sie einlassen. Sie malt und bastelt gerne, turnt, hüpft, spielt und ist fröhlich. Außerdem ist sie sehr liebevoll und kümmert sich um ihre Kuscheltiere und ihren kleinen Bruder.

    Leto Lounis ist fast zwei Jahre und ein rundum ausgeglichenes Kleinkind. Er beginnt, verbringt und beendet jeden Tag mit einem strahlenden Lächeln und liebt Musik. Jeden Tag spielt er Schlagzeug, Gitarre und Bass mit seinem Papa.

    Diesen Frühling brauchen wir dringend Helfer bei folgenden Projekten: Eine Strohballenmauer bauen, ein Stück Garten von Brombeeren befreien, die Beete vorbereiten und bepflanzen, einen Kellerverschlag ausräumen und umgestalten, den Boden unseres zukünftigen Hühnerstalls repariernen, die restlichen Fensterrahmen streichen, Feuerholz machen und stapeln, den Gartentisch streichen... sucht euch etwas aus :-)

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Práctica de idiomas
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda doméstica
    Mantenimiento general
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    You can give us a hand in the permaculture garden with our vegetables (planning, sowing, planting, weeding, harvesting). As a biology teacher Mira can also teach you some things about edible herbs and the wildlife in our garden. We have a lot of experience in communicating with people from all over the world and can help guests who are interested in learing German.
    Our two lovely children aged four and one love playing, painting, going for a walk and much more with attentive people they quickly learn to like. We set value on a plastic free and creative playing evironment and an intuitive, repectful, child-oriented upbringing and our childred can teach you a lot about living in the moment, being happy and living life to the fullest. Also we practice the baby-led potty training from birth which might be new to you.
    People who are interested in building and reparing are also very welcome as we never have the time to start and finish big projects without the help of friends. Swimming pool, chicken house and playground equipment - only to name some of the things that need to be maintained and repaired...
    Maré is a professional musician (bass and guitar) and is always up to jam sessions with fellow musicians. Also we are lucky to have a fully equiped rehearsal room in our adjoining building in the garden. Apart from that we have a huge garage with a workspace and a pit for repairing cars at which Maré is quiet skilled as well.
    We have some experience in Non Violent Communication and if you are interested, we will be happy to share this way of looking onto life with you.
    Some more little hobbies we would love to share with our guests: (beach) volleyball, crochet (absolute beginner), bow shooting, playing music, sitting in front of the fireplace, slack-lining, trampolining, canoeing, playing palour games, practicing yoga (yoga vidya)....

  • Proyectos con niños

    Proyectos con niños

    En este proyecto podría haber niños. Para obtener más información, consulta nuestras directrices y consejos aquí.

  • Ayuda


    Primarily we're currently fixing up our house and garden so inside we have some painting and decorating, woodwork, gardening and general DIY, keeping the house clean, we're also looking for someone who could teach our two lovely childred English (NOT essential but it would be a bonus).

    Outside we have more woodwork, painting, weeding, grass cutting, hedge trimming, gardening, fixing/tidying/maintaining and such. We need to cut down a lot of trees in the garden , chop wood for our fireplace also have plans to build a staw wall, a compost toilet, clean our pool and repair the floor of our future chicken house.

    We try to provide what we would value: Clear communication of tasks and of what we can offer and what we expect.

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Alemán: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Francés: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    As an English teacher and passionate traveler herself Mira knows how to teach languages (English and German) and adapt to different language skills and she is always very keen on improving her own English skills as well. If you like to improve your German we will support you by talking in German only. Our daughter (4 years) is currently really interested in foreign languages loves to watch her favorite series in English. So it would be great for her to be immersed into English. It is not a must but it would be great to host a traveler who stays for a longer period of time and wants to teach his/her own mother tongue to our daughter by playing. We would like that person to read or make up stories, play with her,..

  • Alojamiento


    We have a beautiful guest room (35 m2) with beams and a nice view right into our garden. You will sleep in a cosy double bed (180x200) and you can use the rooms that your private space to sleep, relax, enjoy your hobbies or work.

    We are definitely a gourmet family and put a lot love and time in cooking fresh and international food every day. All workawayers are more than welcome to eat all meals with us and spend some quality time around our huge kitchen table. We love to cook for our guest but also love to try new tastes and recipes from you. We respect different diets and are very flexible depending on who eats with us. We mostly cook vegetarian due to ethical beliefs and environmental reasons but from time to time we also enjoy to eat fish and free-range chicken. The vast majority of our food is organic (with the exeption of some food we get from foodsharing) and we buy all all non-perishables plastic-free and organic.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    We love the location of our house because we are sourrounded by grassland and tarting right from our garden you can go hiking along various hiking trails and we live only 5 minutes from the atificial lake "Wuppertalsperre" where you can swim, go by paddleboard or canoe (we have two canoes here). On the other hand the city centre is in walking distance and connected to Remscheid and Wuppertal through a huge network of bike trails. Radevormwald is a lovely little town in the region ´Bergisches Land´. The Bergisches Land is a low mountain range region within the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The landscape is shaped by woods, meadows, rivers and creeks and contains over 20 artificial lakes. Wuppertal, Düsseldorf and Cologne are three very attractive neighbouring cities you can reach within 40 minutes. We have family and friends in Cologne so we could easily arrange a sleepover there for our guests.

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    We have an office which we are willing to share with our guests. Apart from that you have a table in your guest room where you can work.

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    We own two caravans and guests who want more privacy could sleep in one of them and use the kitchen in the caravan and the fully equipped bathroom (toilet, shower, sauna, massage room) in our neighbouring building. In case you are planning to arrive with your own campervan we will find you a pitch in our garden or the drive.

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    We love cats and child-friendly dogs...

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    Maximal 4-5 Stunden am Tag, 5 Tage die Woche

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 563468495117

Comentarios (4)



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Intercambio cultural:


Join a family of musicians and help in our small garden in Schutterwald, Germany
Help needed especially in April on an eco-friendly farm in Saxony, Germany