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Help transform an old farm yard and start sustainable agriculture projects in rural Saskatchewan, Canada

  • 10 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad: 15 jul 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos una semana



  • Descripción


    We are a couple in our early 30s and we live on a 22.5 acre farmyard/acreage that has existed since 1903. We only recently moved here and are excited to use it as a hobby farm and to have a more eco-friendly lifestyle. We are wanting to clean up the yard, build fences, and get things ready for a few animals in the future (with the hope of producing our own meat in a sustainable, ethical way). We also want to have a big garden and preserve our food for the winter.

    We have been 'WorkAwayers' ourselves (in Iceland) and really valued the experience of being hosted in someone's home. Due to this, we would like to provide the opportunity for people coming to rural Canada and looking for an authentic experience. Furthermore, we are travellers ourselves and have recently put down roots after 8-12 years of wandering. We have most recently lived in Jordan and highly appreciate Arabic culture and language. We love to learn about other places and experience new stories and food. If you like to cook, this is the place for you!

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Práctica de idiomas
    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de animales
    Ayuda en una granja
    Mantenimiento general
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    We live in a very rural area of Canada and this in itself is a cultural experience to have! Life works very differently here compared to the big city and there are endless cultural experiences to have, depending on the time of year.

    If you come in the winter, you can experience the ways that we have adapted to the very cold, harsh winters, as well as the beauty of the sun shining on the snow, the absolute silence, and the community that comes with the long winter.

    In the warmer times of the year, you can see how farming works and watch the crops develop and then be harvested. There is also endless camping, hiking, swimming, and exploration to be done in the areas around. We would be happy to introduce you to the local cuisine and ways of doing life.

  • Ayuda


    We are looking for people who are not afraid to get their hands dirty! Jobs will depend on the time of year, as most projects on our farm can only be done in certain seasons.

    We have a barn and several outbuildings that need to have 100 years of 'stuff' removed, sorted, and brought to the recycling depot or dump.

    In the spring, the garden needs to be prepped for planting, summer will be weeding and tending the garden, and the fall will be harvesting and preserving. All of these steps could use extra hands! If you have any knowledge in any of these areas, we are always open to learn more.

    We would also like to put a fence up around our property, build pens for pigs, horses, and ducks/chickens/geese, and other projects.

    Most of the jobs that need to be done only require a willingness to work and no additional skills. However, skills/knowledge that would be highly valuable are:
    - Carpentry
    - Fencing
    - Training dogs
    - Food preservation
    - Sustainable agriculture know-how

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido
    Árabe: Intermedio
    Alemán: Principiante
    Español: Principiante
    Francés: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    We both speak the Leventine dialect of Arabic and would love to have more opportunities to speak it and learn more. Kurtis has dabbled in French, Spanish, and German and would enjoy learning more. Some English ability is ideal, but we are very patient people and willing to be a safe place for you to learn more.

  • Alojamiento


    We have an extra room in our basement that is fully furnished and has a private bathroom. There is also a sitting area that you are welcome to use.

    For food, you are welcome to join us for our meals. If you stay longer than a few days, then it would be great if you could take on a few meals a week to share with us (we also love trying food from other places!) Breakfast and lunch will be very much 'fend for yourself' and supper/dinner is usually one that we eat together. You can join our rhythm as you wish. We try to grow food and eat as locally as much as possible, as well as eat within the season.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    You will need to be creative about what to do in your time off. There is no public transit in our area and we live 8km from the nearest small village and 15km from the nearest town. We may be able to lend you a vehicle for going into town/you can join us when we go; however, if you are looking for a high level of social engagement or a fast pace of life - this is not the place for you. Introverts, those who want to slow down and experience some peace and quiet, meditative/mindful-types, etc. would find our place a special haven. This would also be an ideal setting if you have other projects that you are working on that need a quiet setting to do, such as writing, reflection, etc.

    You will also need to be fairly self-sufficient and able to be given a task and then figure out the system on your own. Although we may be working alongside you, there will be times where we will both be working. We are also the quiet-types and appreciate people who like to read and who don't need us to entertain them. Although we ARE very friendly and want to get to know you - we still have our life going on and the responsibilities that come with that.

    There is amazing hiking, camping, outdoor exploring about 2 hours north of us, which may be of interest. We may be going on a trip while you are here, which you are welcome to join us on if you like. Saskatoon is the closest city and it is 90 minutes away.

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    We have a good wifi connection and can set you up with a desk and privacy in our basement. I also work online, so - depending on what you need - we may need to work around ensuring good internet connection for both of us by working at different times.

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    This would be an ideal set-up, especially as we live away from public transit! You could plug into our house and use our bathroom/shower and other parts of the house as you like.

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    Yes, although it depends on the type and their personalities. We plan on having chickens and other birds and some dogs are very motivated to kill them. We also have two of our own dogs who are friendly, but your dog would need to also be friendly with them. If you have an animal, you are responsible for keeping them in check and doing what needs to be done to ensure that they don't disrupt the animals. Also, we have a policy of no animals in the house, so they would need to be able to stay outside.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?


  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    3-5 hours/day, 5 days a week

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 223237418358

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