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Eu estou
Hallo ich bin Lena und 19 Jahre alt.
Dieses Jahr schließe ich mein Abitur ab und mein größter Wunsch war es, danach die Welt zu erkunden. Diesen Traum werde ich mir erfüllen!
Ich bin ein sehr aufgeschlossener Mensch, der sich für alles interessiert und gerne neues lernt.
Ich komme aus einem kleinen Dorf, weswegen es nochmal wichtiger für mich ist neue Menschen, neue Kulturen und Länder kennenzulernen. Musik ist eine meiner Leidenschaften, obwohl ich auch sehr gerne die Ruhe mit einem schönen Buch genieße. Ich bin handwerklich sehr begabt, weswegen ich bei Arbeiten rund ums Haus tatkräftig helfen kann. Ich liebe die Natur und Tiere.
Zurzeit lerne ich Spanisch und kann gut Englisch und Deutsch reden.
Ich freue mich sehr auf die kommende Zeit:)
Hello my name is Lena and I`m 19 years old.
I will finish school this year and my biggest wish is it to see the world. I think it it time to do this now!
I'm a very open-minded person and i like to learn new things.
I live in a small village and because of that it's even more important to me to meet new people and to learn about their cultures and countries. I really enjoy music though I enjoy a good book as well :).
I'm good at handcraft and can help with tasks around the house. I also adore nature and animals.
Currently, I learn Spanish and speak English and German.
I look forward to meet you :)Interesses
CaminhadaFilmes e TVVegetariano/veganoAtividades ao ar livreMontanhasYoga/bem-estarCarpintariaAnimaisDançaPraiaPolítica/justiça socialAutodesenvolvimentoIdiomasNaturalezaSustentabilidadeMúsicaTrabalho beneficenteCulinária e comidaCulturaLGBTQFaça você mesmoMascotesCuidar de plantasHistóriaJardinagemFitnessFazendaLivrosIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Intermediário
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Ich würde mich freuen anderen zu helfen ihr Deutsch oder Englisch zu verbessern. In diesen Fächern habe ich auch schon mal Nachhilfe gegeben. I would like to help others to improve their German or English. I also worked as a tutor for those languages.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientais
Vida na fazenda
Trabalho beneficente
Projetos artísticos
Conhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Poso ensinar:
Manutenção geral
Quais são suas habilidades?
Ich war 2019 schon einmal in Irland. Dort war ich 2 Wochen in einer Sprachschule und hatte eine Woche ein Praktikum in einer Buchhandlung. 2020 hatte ich ein Praktikum in einer Tischlerei, welches mir auch viel Spaß gemacht hat.
Ich passe oft auf die 2 jährige Tochter meiner Patentante auf und gebe einen 10 jährigen Jungen Nachhilfe.
Im Kreativen liegen meine Stärken aber ich kann auch sehr gut backen, was auch eine Leidenschaft von mir ist.
I've visited Ireland in 2019, where I went to a school for a week and worked in a bookshop for 2 weeks. I made so nice experiences there! In 2020 I did an internship at a carpentry which was really fun and I enjoyed the work very much. I am currently tutoring a 10 year old boy and sometimes babysit my niece.
I really like to get creative but I also adore baking or exploring nature.
During my trips I help to restore an old campervan, did garden and painting. Sometimes I help with animals like chickens, ducks or sheep's. I also worked for an NGO in Spain.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Cathair, PollenDietas especiais
I try to live mostly vegeterian.
My work was a little bit helping in the garden, cooking and painting. Btw Fede's apartment is amazing!
They recommend me… read more
Nonostante la sua giovane età, ha un bagaglio ricco di esperienze, storie e sogni. Una bellissima esperienza, sia per me che per Didier e la mia famiglia. Grazie!!
We love U Lena and we hope to see you again.… read more
I could enjoy some… read more
My work was a little bit helping in the garden, cooking and painting. Btw Fede's apartment is amazing!
They recommend me… read more
Nonostante la sua giovane età, ha un bagaglio ricco di esperienze, storie e sogni. Una bellissima esperienza, sia per me che per Didier e la mia famiglia. Grazie!!
We love U Lena and we hope to see you again.… read more
I could enjoy some… read more
Pamiers is a really nice city to stay and you have everything you need there but can also go to different cities easily.
I enjoyed all of the different work tasks. Which were painting cupboards, building… read more
They are really easy-going, open-minded, friendly and active people. We looked after their house and animals for 2… read more
She has a good structured day so that we always knew what to do. The work was hard but not too hard. Her food was really good and you can learn much about an ecological lifestyle and alternative medicine.
She made the hours we worked more up with tasty work breaks and her… read more
I really enjoyed working with you but also the nice and "yummy" dinners we had with really interesting and important conversations. Maybe I will include your "Why questions" into my daily life😉.
Please stay the way you are and I wish you many successful… read more