Astronomers welcome at our educational farm project in Popayan, Colombia



 Hospedagem min. solicitada: mínimo 2 semanas



  • Descrição


    The site is a place of privileged nature, located in the department of Cauca-Colombia that meets the ideal conditions to live a great experience, stimulate relaxation, creativity, observation of the sky, contact with nature and its rhythms, the bird watching (more than 120 species were found on the farm). For all these reasons, we are dedicated to nature tourism, offering services to strengthen culture and recreation from an environmental and astronomical approach.
    The farm is located in the village of Cajete, a few kilometers from Popayán with good public transportation options.
    It has the following physical facilities:
    . A hostel
    • An auditorium where courses and/or workshops are given.
    • An astronomical observatory
    • Five small rustic cabins built with natural materials that are offered as accommodation.
    • An ecological trail with 15 stations, where everything related to climate change adaptation is shared.
    A large dining room with a wood-burning stove to share food
    • An organic garden
    • A compost bin for organic fertilizers.

    Note: The courses and observation of the night sky are carried out on weekends, when there are good weather conditions. It must be remembered that since the farm is located in the field, there are insects, so it is important to bring protection measures against them and wear long-sleeved clothing, long pants and boots and check the resting place and clothes! other critters can be found.

    "EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: It is required that you have a HEALTH INSURANCE / EPS or VALID PASSPORT or VISA." It is requested at the entrance.
    This is an educational and recreational place where people from all over the world can come, teach, learn and take advantage of each experience for their personal and life growth, aware of the protection of the environment. They can share knowledge about:
    • The processes of organic agriculture, medicinal plants and crops in general.
    • Rural construction, painting, carpentry.
    • Maintenance of trails and farm facilities.
    • Learn Spanish.
    • Cultural exchange with other travelers.
    Learn about astronomy when there are events if the weather allows it
    Environmental Protection
    Well-being that involves healthy eating, Yoga and meditation.

    Since this farm began, we have been visited by travelers from all over the world and with great effort we have managed to adapt a place where everyone is welcomed with great affection. For this reason, healthy coexistence is encouraged and privileged, considering the difficulties that may arise as opportunities to learn. In this way it is achieved that the space of this place is friendly, harmonious and mutual support. However, there is always something to learn...especially if someone comes from a different culture than ours.
    To help with the mission, we would love for you to take advantage of the activities that are planned and define the daily chores during your stay on the farm, considering the following issues that are required to strengthen this:

    Support in maintenance and/or construction of the infrastructure of the farm (houses, auditorium, observatory, dining room and others).
    • Agricultural work (orchards, coffee, medicinal plants and other crops)
    • Maintenance of the ecological trail (stands, cleaning, railings, signage, cutting weeds)
    • Birdwatching activities (example: build or repair turrets)
    • Tree planting and/or forest restoration activities.
    • Cleaning of the creek.
    • Maintenance of astronomy equipment
    • Planetarium Management
    • Educational workshops for visitors (children, youth and adults).
    Make signage for the plants
    do muralism
    work in greenhouses
    • Teach English language and learn Spanish
    - Gardening
    - Construction (masonry)
    - Mechanics
    - Interior/exterior painting
    - Maintenance of ecological trails
    - Maintenance of cabins, volunteer house, auditorium and observatory
    - Help by attending the groups that attend the courses or stargazing
    - To teach languages
    - Interpretation and/or guides in nature tourism and/or astronomy.
    - Support in accommodation of visitors.
    Support in the preparation of the farm for events and in their development
    other similar

    • We would like to have people who have knowledge of the topics that are required and good availability for work. It is not acceptable people who do not like to work. We really always have an attitude of excellent availability to work. With a diverse and active operating plan that starts at 8 a.m. o'clock after your breakfast.
    We would like to receive volunteers who are willing to stay at least two weeks on the farm, so that they get involved in the different projects, enjoy them and experience their development.
    • Due to the habitual visit of children, the consumption of alcoholic beverages within the farm is not allowed.
    • Likewise, smoking is not allowed inside the houses or cabins on the farm.
    • What is necessary is provided so that the volunteers can make their own breakfast that integrates the following foods: (Eggs, rice, coffee, bread and products produced on the farm).
    • For lunch and dinner, volunteers must buy their own food at the market. There are several places nearby to shop. he
    • They must also bring their own toiletries and laundry.
    • You work from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm, from Monday to Saturday, every afternoon is free, as well as on Sundays, to carry out personal activities inside or outside the farm.
    • We request that the volunteers who wish to come to this farm, be people who prioritize saving electricity and water and the separation of organic and inorganic waste. It is very important to clean workplaces, bathrooms, kitchens, dining rooms and rooms that they use, as well as washing the kitchen utensils that are provided and keeping the house in order.
    La Casita is a place where there is a bed, and in the dining room there is a wood and gas stove and kitchen and bathroom utensils. The entire estate is free for you to enjoy.

    Only 2 Volunteers are received per period of MINIMUM OF 2 WEEKS


    El sitio es un lugar de naturaleza privilegiada, ubicado en el departamento del Cauca- Colombia que reúne las condiciones ideales para vivir una gran experiencia, estimular la relajación, la creatividad, la observación del cielo, el contacto con la naturaleza y sus ritmos, la observación de aves (se encontraron más de 120 especies en la finca). Por todo ello, nos dedicamos al turismo de naturaleza, ofreciendo servicios para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y la recreación desde un enfoque ambiental y astronómico.
    La finca está ubicada en el corregimiento de Cajete, a pocos kilómetros de Popayán con buenas opciones de transporte público.
    Se cuenta con las siguientes instalaciones físicas:
    . Un Hostal
    • Un auditorio donde, se brindan cursos y/o talleres.
    • Un observatorio astronómico
    • Cinco pequeñas cabañas rusticas construidas con materiales naturales que se ofrecen como alojamiento.
    • Un sendero ecológico con 15 estaciones, donde se comparte todo lo relativo a la adaptación sobre cambio climático.
    Un comedor grande con cocina de leña para compartir alimentos
    • Una huerta orgánica
    • Una compostera de abonos orgánicos.

    Nota: Los cursos y observación del cielo nocturno se realizan los fines de semana, cuando hay buenas condiciones climáticas. Se debe recordar que como la finca, se encuentra en el campo hay insectos por ello es importante traer medidas de protección contra ellos y usar ropa de manga larga, pantalones largos y botas y revisar el lugar de descanso y las ropas! se pueden encontrar otros bichos.

    "EXTREMADAMENTE IMPORTANTE: Se requiere que tenga un SEGURO DE SALUD / EPS o PASAPORTE o VISA VÁLIDA". Se pide a la entrada.
    Este es un lugar educativo y de recreación donde personas de todo el mundo pueden venir, enseñar, aprender y aprovechar cada experiencia para su crecimiento personal y de vida, conscientes de la protección al ambiente. Pueden compartir conocimientos sobre:
    • Los procesos de agricultura orgánica, plantas medicinales y cultivos en general.
    • Construcción rural, pintura, carpintería, electricidad.
    • Mantenimiento de senderos e instalaciones de la finca.
    • Aprender español.
    • Intercambio cultural con otros viajeros.
    Aprender de astronomía cuando hay eventos si el clima lo permite
    Protección ambiental
    Bienestar que involucra la comida saludable el Yoga y la meditación.

    Desde que se inició esta finca como, hemos sido visitados por viajeros de todo el mundo y con gran esfuerzo hemos logrado adecuar un lugar donde todos son acogidos con mucho cariño. Por ello se propicia y privilegia la sana convivencia, considerando las dificultades que se puedan presentar como oportunidades para aprender. De esta forma se consigue que el espacio de este lugar sea amigable, armónico y de apoyo mutuo. Sin embargo, siempre hay algo que aprender…sobre todo si alguien viene de una cultura distinta a la nuestra.

    Para ayudar con la misión, nos encantaría que se acogieran a las actividades que se encuentran planeadas y definir el quehacer diario durante la permanencia en la finca, considerando los siguientes temas que se requieren para fortalecer este:

    • Nos gustaría contar con personas que tengan conocimiento de los temas que se requieran y buena disponibilidad al trabajo. No es aceptable personas que no les guste laborar. Realmente siempre tenemos una actitud de excelente disponibilidad al trabajo. Con un Plan operativo diverso y activo que inicia a las 8 a.m. en punto después de su desayuno.
    Nos gustaría recibir voluntarios que estén dispuestos a permanecer mínimo dos semanas en la finca, para que se involucren en los diferentes proyectos, los disfruten y puedan vivenciar su desarrollo.
    • Debido a la visita habitual de niños, no se permite el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas dentro de la finca.
    • Asimismo, tampoco se permite fumar dentro de las casas o de las cabañas de la finca.
    • Se entrega lo necesario para que los voluntarios puedan hacer su propio desayuno que integra los siguientes alimentos: (Huevos, arroz, café, pan y productos que se produzcan en la finca).
    • Para el almuerzo y la cena, los voluntarios deben comprar sus propios alimentos en el mercado. Hay unvarios lugares cercanos para comprar. l
    • Asimismo deben traer sus propios artículos de aseo personal y lavado de ropa.
    • Se trabaja de 08 am a 12 hrs, de lunes a sábados, todas las tardes es libre, así como los domingos, para realizar actividades personales dentro o fuera de la finca.
    • Solicitamos que los voluntarios que deseen venir a esta finca, sean personas que prioricen el ahorro de la energía eléctrica y el agua y la separación de residuos orgánicos e inorgánicos- Muy importante la limpieza de los lugares de trabajo, baños, cocina, comedores y habitaciones que utilicen, así como también el lavado de los utensilios de cocina que se les proporcionan y mantener en orden la casita.
    La Casita es un lugar donde existen una cama, y en el comedor se cuenta con estufa de leña y de gas y utensilios de cocina y baño. Toda la finca es libre para que la disfruten.

    Solo se reciben 2 Voluntarios por periodo de MINIMO DE 2 SEMANAS

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Projetos artísticos
    Prática de idiomas
    Ajuda em projetos ambientais
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Ajuda em fazenda
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
    Ajuda com computadores/internet
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    This is an educational and recreational place where people from all over the world can come, teach, learn and take advantage of every experience for their personal and life growth, aware of the protection of the environment. They can share knowledge about:
    • The processes of organic agriculture, coffee cultivation, medicinal plants and crops in general.
    • Rural construction, painting, carpentry,.
    • Maintenance of trails and farm facilities.
    • Learn Spanish.
    • You will also have the opportunity to learn from other travelers subscribed to other programs.

    Since this farm started as an eco-destination, we have been visited by travelers from all over the world and with great effort we have managed to adapt a place where everyone is welcomed with great affection. For this reason, healthy coexistence is favored and privileged, considering the difficulties that may arise as opportunities to learn and evolve. In this way it is achieved that the space of this place is friendly, harmonious and of mutual support. However, there is always something to learn ... especially if someone comes from a culture different from ours.

    Este es un lugar educativo y de recreación donde personas de todo el mundo pueden venir, enseñar, aprender y aprovechar cada experiencia para su crecimiento personal y de vida, conscientes de la protección al ambiente. Pueden compartir conocimientos sobre:
    • Los procesos de agricultura orgánica, del cultivo de café, plantas medicinales y cultivos en general.
    • Construcción rural, pintura, carpintería, electricidad.
    • Mantenimiento de senderos e instalaciones de la finca.
    • Aprender español.
    • También tendrás la oportunidad de aprender de otros viajeros suscritos a otros programas.

    Desde que se inició esta finca como, hemos sido visitados por viajeros de todo el mundo y con gran esfuerzo hemos logrado adecuar un lugar donde todos son acogidos con mucho cariño. Por ello se propicia y privilegia la sana convivencia, considerando las dificultades que se puedan presentar como oportunidades para aprender y evolucionar. De esta forma se consigue que el espacio de este lugar sea amigable, armónico y de apoyo mutuo. Sin embargo, siempre hay algo que aprender…sobre todo si alguien viene de una cultura distinta a la nuestra.

  • Ajuda


    To help with the mission, we would love to know from the beginning, what they like to do to volunteers or what they are interested in and define the daily tasks during the stay on the farm, considering the following issues that are required to strengthen this:
    • Support in maintenance of the infrastructure of the farm (houses, auditorium, observatory, dining room and others)
    • Agricultural work (orchards, coffee, medicinal plants and other crops)
    • Maintenance of the ecological trail (bleachers, cleaning, railings, signage, cutting weeds)
    • Bird watching activities (example: build or repair turrets)
    • Tree planting and / or forest restoration activities.
    • Stream cleaning.
    • Maintenance of astronomy equipment
    • Maintenance of electrical installations.
    • Planetary Management
    • Educational workshops for visitors (children, youth and adults).
    • Teach English language and learn Spanish

    Type of help
    - Gardening
    - Construction (masonry)
    - Mechanics

    - Interior / exterior painting
    - Maintenance of vegetable gardens
    - Maintenance of ecological trails
    - Maintenance of cabins, auditorium and observatory
    - Maintenance of volunteer house
    - Help attending the groups that attend the courses or observation of stars
    -To teach languages
    - Interpretation and / or guides in nature tourism and / or astronomy.
    - Support in accommodation.
    -Your MAIN GUIDE will be Rodrigo, who is always working at the farm and with whom you will work and learn to develop new tasks along the week If you would like help with different ideas that you find useful, let us know so we can learn from you too.
    -Generally on Saturdays, depending of weather, Sebastian, Patricia or Juan can teach you Astronomy and you can be on the astronomy conferences as well as in the astronomical Observatory. Usually this service costs $35,000, but since as our part of interchange you can enjoy our services completely free.
    -On specific dates that we will let you know with time, we'll develop astronomy activities.
    • We would like to receive volunteers who are willing to stay more than two weeks on the farm, so that they get involved in the different projects, enjoy them and experience their development.
    • Likewise, smoking is not allowed inside the houses or cabins of the farm.
    • The necessary is given so that the volunteers can make their own breakfast.
    • For lunch or dinner, volunteers must buy their own food at the market.
    • They must also bring their own articles of personal hygiene and laundry.
    • Work is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday, the afternoon is free, as well as Saturdays and Sundays, to carry out personal activities inside or outside the farm.
    • We request that volunteers who wish to come to this farm, be people who prioritize the saving of electricity, the cleaning of workplaces, bathrooms, kitchen, dining rooms and rooms they use, as well as the washing of utensils. kitchen that are provided.

    Para ayudar con la misión, nos encantaría saber desde el primer momento, que les gusta hacer a los voluntarios o en que están interesados y definir el quehacer diario durante la permanencia en la finca, considerando los siguientes temas que se requieren para fortalecer este:
    • Apoyo en mantenimiento de la infraestructura de la finca (casas, auditorio, observatorio, comedor y otros)
    • Labores agrícolas (huertas, café, plantas medicinales y otros cultivos)
    • Mantenimiento del sendero ecológico (gradas, limpieza, barandas, señalética, cortar malezas)
    • Actividades de aviturismo (ejemplo: construir o reparar torretas)
    • Siembra de árboles y/o actividades de restauración del bosque.
    • Limpieza del arroyo.
    • Mantenimiento de equipos de astronomía
    • Mantenimiento de instalaciones eléctricas.
    • Manejo de Planetario
    • Talleres educativas a visitantes (niños, jóvenes y adultos).
    • Enseñar idioma ingles y aprender español

    Tipo de ayuda
    - Jardinería
    - Construcción (albañilería)
    - Mecánica
    - Electricidad
    - Pintura interior/exterior
    - Mantenimiento de huertas
    - Mantenimiento de senderos ecológicos
    - Mantenimiento de cabañas, auditorio y observatorio
    - Mantenimiento de casa de voluntarios
    - Ayudar atendiendo los grupos que asisten a los cursos u observación de estrellas
    - Enseñar idiomas
    - Interpretación y/o guías en turismo de naturaleza y/o astronomía.
    - Apoyo en alojamiento.

    • Nos gustaría recibir voluntarios que estén dispuestos a permanecer más de dos semanas en la finca, para que se involucren en los diferentes proyectos, los disfruten y puedan vivenciar su desarrollo.
    • Debido a la visita habitual de niños, no se permite el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas dentro de la finca
    • Asimismo, tampoco se permite fumar dentro de las casas o de las cabañas de la finca.
    • Se entrega lo necesario para que los voluntarios puedan hacer su propio desayuno.
    • Para almorzar o cenar, los voluntarios deben comprar sus propios alimentos en el mercado.
    • Asimismo deben traer sus propios artículos de aseo personal y lavado de ropa.
    • Se trabaja de 08 a 13 hrs, de lunes a viernes, la tarde es libre, así como los sábados y domingos, para realizar actividades personales dentro o fuera de la finca.
    • Solicitamos que los voluntarios que deseen venir a esta finca, sean personas que prioricen el ahorro de la energía eléctrica, la limpieza de los lugares de trabajo, baños, cocina, comedores y habitaciones que utilicen, así como también el lavado de los utensilios de cocina que se les proporcionan.

  • Idiomas

    Inglês: Fluente
    Espanhol: Fluente

    Este anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
    Este anfitrião indicou que tem interesse em compartilhar seu idioma ou em aprender um novo.
    Entre em contato com ele para obter mais informações.

  • Acomodação


    - There is a house for volunteers with two bedrooms, bathroom, shower and kitchen. The kitchen has an electric refrigerator, gas stove and the necessary utensils for cooking (pots, spoons, forks, etc). This house is independent from the main house.
    - In addition, there is a room with an independent bathroom that can also be used by volunteers.

    - Se dispone de una casa para los voluntarios con dos dormitorios, baño, ducha y cocina. La cocina dispone de nevera eléctrica, estufa a gas y los utensilios necesarios para cocinar (ollas, cucharas, tenedores, etc). Esta casa es independiente de la casa principal.
    - Además, se cuenta con una habitación con baño independiente que también puede ser usada por los voluntarios.

  • Algo mais...

    Algo mais...

    There are many places to visit: Museums and tourist places in the city of Popayan, Puracé National Park (hot springs, lakes, volcano), Tierra Adentro archaeological park, Nevado del Huila National Parks, rural tourism and bird watching farms, agricultural markets. The municipality of Silvia with its indigenous cultural legacy and municipalities with extraordinary places of nature.

    Hay muchos lugares para visitar: Museos y lugares turísticos de la ciudad de Popayan, Parque Nacional de Puracé (termales, lagos, volcán), Parque arqueológico de Tierra Adentro, Parques Nacional Nevado del Huila, fincas de turismo rural y de avistamiento de aves, mercados agropecuarios. El municipio de Silvia con su legado cultural indígena y municipios con extraordinarios lugares turísticos de naturaleza.

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Keep up our web pages, upload content and generate new leads

  • Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Espaço para estacionar campervans

    We live in a farm, we have space

  • Pode aceitar animais

    Pode aceitar animais

    Este anfitrião está aberto a aceitar viajantes com animais de estimação.

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Mais de 2

Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 312651932795

Segurança do site

Comentário (26)


A imagem mostra uma grande lua laranja com árvores em silhueta em sua base, em um fundo preto. A lua é o foco central da imagem.
A imagem retrata uma paisagem serena com um telescópio, cercada por uma vegetação exuberante, com um céu azul claro e um corpo de água tranquilo, evocando uma sensação de paz e beleza natural.
A imagem mostra um grupo de jovens reunidos em torno de um telescópio em um tripé, tendo como pano de fundo uma colina verdejante com bananeiras e um céu nublado.
A imagem mostra um céu noturno estrelado com uma Via Láctea proeminente, brilhante e clara, com um aglomerado de estrelas no canto superior esquerdo. O céu está repleto de inúmeras estrelas.
A imagem mostra um edifício em forma de cúpula sob um céu noturno estrelado, com um galho de árvore visível no lado esquerdo do quadro.


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

Precisão do perfil:

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