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Regala Workaway
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Información de perfil

  • Información de viaje

    Ahora estoy


    Actividades que me interesan:

    photography and videography

  • Descripción

    In February 2019, I left my job at Stanford University to work abroad and have kept traveling since. I have lived and worked on 4 continents plus Puerto Rico for local nonprofits, universities, a tech company, and the UN. I love to travel however and wherever I can, but I get the most joy and fulfillment from telling the stories of organizations trying to make a difference in the world.

  • Intereses

    Política / justicia social
    Vegetariano o vegano
    Navegar / barcos
    Deportes acuáticos
    Actividades al aire libre
    Eventos y sociedad
    Cocina y alimentación
    Deportes de aventura
  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido
    Español: Intermedio
    Japonés: Principiante

    Más información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
    My Spanish is advanced, but I would like to gain fluency.

    Buscar un colega de idioma

  • Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender

    Me interesa:  

    Proyectos ecológicos
    Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
    Vida en una granja

    Ciertos conocimientos de:  

    Trabajo de caridad
    Cuidado de animales
    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos

    Puedo enseñar:  

    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda con ordenadores/Internet
  • Que habilidades tienes?

    Above all, I am a storyteller.

    My day job is in communications and marketing, mostly for global nonprofits and Stanford University. I am a photographer, videographer, podcaster, and writer, but my specialty is combining them all to find the best way to tell each part of a story. I also have extensive experience in social media management and e-newsletters, and some experience with basic website design. For samples of my work, please visit

    Before I started working in communications, I taught preschool and then dance and gymnastics for kids aged 4 months to 12 years. I have continued to babysit kids of all ages since.

    I have volunteered at permaculture farms in Puerto Rico, and I am a certified scuba diver. In my free time, I take tourists on adventures off the beaten path. And if I do say so myself, I am an excellent cook, particularly of vegetarian meals.

  • Edad


  • Algo más...

    I love to swim, hike, and of course travel, and I have been to Disneyland over 200 times.

  • Más información

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