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  • Información de viaje

    Ahora estoy


    Mi próximo destino:

    Japan - Desde Nov 2024 Hasta Feb 2025
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  • Descripción

    Hey, I'm a 32 year old guy looking to see new places and meet new people. I’m an absolute sponge to knowledge and very outgoing. I like a challenge, try to be as personable as possible and like a chat.

    I'm open to any kind of helping, I've done many different types of work. I come from a big family, and have spent years working my way around the world. I would say I'm easy to get along with and make friends quickly.

    I'm looking for a rewarding experience gaining knowledge and hopefully giving something back while I travel around. For the last few years I have spent most of my time working and seeing new places in my free time. I work and live in Norway where I manage a Guesthouse.

  • Intereses

    Política / justicia social
    Vida en autocaravana
    Deportes acuáticos
    Navegar / barcos
    Cuidado de plantas
    Actividades al aire libre
    Bricolaje y manualidades
    Arte y diseño
    Películas y televisión
    Cocina y alimentación
    Trabajo de caridad
  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido
    Francés: Principiante

    Más información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
    I could help with English Practice.

    Buscar un colega de idioma

  • Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender

    Me interesa:  

    Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
    Trabajo de caridad
    Proyectos artísticos
    Ayuda con ordenadores/Internet

    Ciertos conocimientos de:  

    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
    Compañía para ancianos
    Mantenimiento general
    Proyectos ecológicos

    Puedo enseñar:  

    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Vida en una granja
    Ayuda doméstica
    Cuidado de animales
  • Que habilidades tienes?

    I have done lots of different jobs. I'm a quick learner, not really put off by much. For my 2 years in Australia I was been mainly working in Hostel Management (profession) and agriculture, the agricultural work was of desire not necessity. I thought it was great as the cows and crops never complain.

    I am a Hospitality Manager by trade, I have worked with small and medium hostels and hotels in various different roles, from waiting tables to general management.

    Here's a selection of the last few years:

    I spent 2017 going from a chicken farm to managing a working hostel in Hillston NSW.
    In 2018 I worked on a Cruise Ship, Holiday Park, Sheep Station, Bottle Shop, Roadhouse & a Cattle Station the size of Jamaica.
    2019 saw me head to China for a good look around and some walking on the Great Wall, back to Australia and the Jamaican size cattle station to top up the coffers then finally over to spend the remainder of my visa in New Zealand! How amazing NZ is.
    I worked on a dairy farm and then at a remote lodge hotel before Covid-19 and plans had to change. In the winter of 2021 I walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain. I have spent the last couple of years working between Italy, the UK and currently Norway. My current position is as the Manager at a guesthouse here in Flåm Norway.

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  • Algo más...

    I love being outdoors, reading, listening to the radio, audio books and podcasts especially around history and travel writing. I enjoy meeting new people and swapping expertise and stories. I love cooking and would really like to enlarge my mental recipe book. Hiking, biking, motorcycling, boating and anything with an engine! I also enjoy long distance hiking.

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