
Jazz and Bossa Nova musicians wanted in San Isidro, Tenerife, Spain

  • 441 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 22 oct 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 3 semanas



  • Descripción


    JAZZ & BOSSA NOVA musicians welcome!

    & artists & craft people!

    communication and creativity- wish.

    first of all and MOST IMPORTANT:

    -PLEASE read the entire profile in case you want to contact me.

    if you are addicted to your smartphone please please please do not come here.
    -stay for at least 3 weeks!
    -be serious about helping to bringing this project forward.
    -have initiative and creativity to develop house and garden.
    -let me know when you have time to be with the project. once you start working have a half day time so we
    achieve a result. please give me an idea how much time you can participate. the morning hours starting at eight
    or nine are the best time for me to move because then i have most energie. so people who want to give me their
    time- please give in the morning! later may be difficult for me. my suggestion: WORK 10 HOURS PER WEEK IN TWO DAYS. let us write that on paper in advance so i know who is available when.
    -woodworkers and other technicians very much longed for and appreciated for renovating this previous horse stable.
    -some times in the week i have to go out. one person has to stay with the house then. we MUST make
    arrangements accordingly. this is very important because i have suffered a lot by being too isolated here in the
    middle of nowhere. i want to keep my mental health which is endangered otherwise!

    -free time will always be enough for everybody.

    -please note that i have some health issues that make me sensitive against noise and stress! so if you are a dominating person and use to speak a lot with loud voice that may be a problem for me. i chose a quiet enviroment because i need it. also when people are very actively and constantly tellig stories, making small talk or intervieving others - i may not enjoy or not be interested. some people behave as if i would not be present. please keep in mind that i want to feel pleasant in my home also when other people are here. i want to connect with everybody who comes here but it happens that there come people and we can not share anything. we have only one big space here that is for everybody's use. less may be more when it is deeper. i hope you understand this worry about myself and the atmosphere in my home. also i have an allergy against swearing (although it became "normal" for so many people)- so if you frequently use words like "fukk"- please not here. i had to send away several people who really did not fit here and made stress to me and sometimes to everybody. that should better not happen again! also some people are simply not able to do anything that has to be done without prompting like for example cleaning the fridge when it is stinking. so pleaeaease: if you cannot or do not want to care for the place to be tidy this is no good place for you and i will send away people who make mess!

    THE IDEA: is to build a place for art- and music workshops in my 60 sqm cottage. I am a fluteplayer and hope to get some jazz musicians here. i play ONLY jazz- and latin music! but i do like elments from other interesting genres like classical, gipsy or oriental. the place is not yet ready to make fotos all around. the progress is slow but i hope i can fulfill my dream some day.

    IMPORTANT: this is NOT a hostel neither a business- but my private home that i like to share. Nobody else is living here, but some visitors stayed for many months. unfortunately i cannot offer free food to many people and also the costs for gas and water may become too much for me when many people are here (my income is very small- i cannot even afford a car) but you have a free stay. as a pensionar i am lucky to be rid of payed work, but i want to grow as a musician and make the place comfortable for everyone.

    the place may be a bit messy because some renovations are taking place all the time.
    YOU NEED TO HAVE INICIATIVE and time to move your hands and feet. i will not ask for your time so please offer it to me! I am not a good boss to push or pull anybody. i like to have people here who help to realize my ideas because i run out of energy and motivation. if you can help me to make this place comfortable i and may be futer visitors will be happy to see the dream become true with your envolvement. if you cannot then lets make music and forget about it. best case scenario is a jazzband to visit and we play together. something like Herbie Hancock's compositions for example. piano, organ and two guitars are waiting. if you are not a jazz musician - i like all the arts so maybe we can meet elsewhere. if you are ok with all this- please come to visit!

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Proyectos artísticos
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Mantenimiento general
  • Intereses


  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    fresh air, silence, marvelous starry sky, view on El Teide mountain and ocean, creativity, teamwork and first of all lets make music!

  • Ayuda


    first of all woodwork and other technical, manual help.
    however jazz musicians help most.

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Alemán: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Finnish: Fluido

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    please bring many laguages and let's swap them all! finnish would be appreciated most.

  • Alojamiento


    mix of hostel and camping.

    different than in hostel there is a curtain in front of the beds so you are optically seperated. you can see that in one of the fotos. there are five sleeping places and a sofa, living room and kitchen all in the same building. the shower has warm water only when the sun is shining. the water is limited (i have to pay for exceeding it) and the garden needs a lot. that's why we have be carefull with water consume. best to carry the shower water to the plants. but soap water has to be thrown away! so if you need to use a lot of soap that may be a serious problem which i had with two persons and do not want again. at the beach there is a free unlimited shower (but also there they may not like the soapwater to go straight into the sea). the toilet is not flashable with water. if you need more comfort you will find it all around the island.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    my place is in San Isidro, sothern part of the island close to the sothern airport "Reina Sofia". about 350m above sea level. El Medano is a short busride away. that´s a cosy little beach- town which is not overloaded with tourists like some others. it is also a windsurfer's paradise with ideal conditions.

    this is a dusty and sandy desert area with much wind. desert people do not have big collection of hygene and cleaning agents.

    asked about allergies i would have to tell that deodorant smell can make me feel unwell. natural etheric oils or other natural aromes however are very ok for me. my favourite one is bergamot.

    unfortunately the close surrounding is partly used as a waste dump. but there is plenty of genuine desert and clean, fresh air around too! a lot of silence and a splendid night sky!
    by genuine i mean it looks like it looked before humans came to this island (if you don't look too close). we could not get profit from the desert, so we left it like it was. like god has created it for us.
    that is why this island- although it follows the rules of modern egoistic society- also has a part of paradise left in my eyes. in my neighbourhood.

    i will be happy to enjoy this peaceful and quiet environment with you!


  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    Lilly my dog is happy about play mates. when it comes to cats- the wild ones are barked and driven away from her.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    we will agree

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 344826934646

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Intercambio cultural:


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