
Language exchange while learning about Acehnese tradition in mountainous Aceh, Indonesia



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 2 semanas



  • Descripción


    Hi. I decide to resign from my previous Job due to developed the character and studying development especially speaking skill of English. I do collaborate with local people here build up the small school because I think they are really needed, they really far away from central city. All the area is surrounding by mountain and also lake and the weather is so fresh. I'm the founder of an education society for some kids of local gayonese or called the citizens of central Aceh. We build here the trust of their parents . Now seems like we need a native speaker or foreign countries to help them in speaking practice their English and also they need a hug of real speaker like you. They will very love to meet you and their parents will welcome you and you could learn about Local language , culture, religion, food, farming of best Arabica Gayo (No.3 in the world export quality), the fermentation of coffee, processing, the natural of Central Aceh, and Wild animal some here. Many things could do here such as hiking, camping, swimming on the beautiful lake, rafting, jogging, waterfall, hot spring, and historical Cave. So don't miss it.
    I am here and with our kids also our team will conduct you as VIP volunteer served you the best. Thanks.

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Trabajo de caridad
    Proyectos artísticos
    Práctica de idiomas
    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Mantenimiento general
    Ayuda informática
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    You will learn about :
    - Cooking Class for traditional food
    - Learn about traditional dance
    - Learn about local language and Bahasa Indonesia
    - Learn about coffee farming
    - Learn about coffee fermentation (Honey, wine, specialty, semi wash, full wash, and kind of variety)
    - Historical of King Linge as gayonese
    - Mountain hiking experiences ( 2617 meter above sea level)
    - Camping lake side & mountain experiences
    - Learn about Kerawang Gayo philosophy as traditional cloth.
    - Some wild animal such as Elephant, bear, lion, and some kind of birds.

    It is so easy you connect and meet local people because they are nice people for any visitor. Our team is also stay in a boarding house that you also connected and talk to them any time as your stay period. They are easy going.
    The local language is Gayo and also they speak Bahasa Indonesia as well. The best way when you learn bahasa from our team then also the local people will be very happy to talk to you.
    Takengon is the name of the City we stay.

    Takengon and the Gayo Highlands
    The Gayo Highlands consist of the mountainous central part of Aceh. It is an isolated area separated from the surrounding coastal plains by the Bukit Barisan mountain range, or Barisan Mountains, on the western side of Sumatra.

    The Bukit Barisan range consists of 35 active volcanoes shrouded in dense jungle forests, including the Sumatran tropical pine forests on the higher slopes. The highest peak of the range is Mount Kerinci at 3,800 metres.

    The four largest urban areas are located nearby lakes and bordered by high, forested mountain slopes. The areas around Danau Tawar (Lake Tawar) in the North are the most populated.

    Takengon is the capital of the Central Aceh Regency. It is a picturesque city with a population of 230,000, situated by the shores of Lake Tawar, a 26 km long mountain lake which gives life to many coffee and tobacco plantations. Its peace and serene landscapes make it well worth a visit, especially for the coffee enthusiasts !

    The indigenous people in Takengon are the Gayonese or as they’re usually called, ‘urang Gayo’, a dynamic population with their own language, lively traditional art and highly educated. The word Gayo comes from the ancient Acehnese language, adopted from Sanskrit which means ‘mountain’.

    Folkloristic traditions include Didong, probably the most popular dance in the region that was originally used by Islamic clerics for spreading the teachings. In modern times, Didong can be seen during special events such as weddings and welcoming ceremonies for important guests.

    Takengon can be reached by bus from both Medan, 8 hours, and from Banda Aceh, 7 hours. Alternatively Takengon has direct flight connections to both cities, approximately one hour.

  • Proyectos con niños

    Proyectos con niños

    En este proyecto podría haber niños. Para obtener más información, consulta nuestras directrices y consejos aquí.

  • Ayuda


    We need you just to speak or practice in English speaking on their class or outdoor class base on their activities, games, short an interview, and public speaking. Basically you just responded what their talking because most of them still basic English that's why they need to practice. As regularly they have class one and half hour each meetings daily at it is only afternoon. We could be enter may one until two class at the afternoon.

    In the morning normally, We don't have class . We could be visiting some cultures place and learn about their culture. We could learn about local the dance and hear story of them and also can also visit historical place.

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido
    Francés: Principiante
    Japonés: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    We do love English as International Language as well. But we also interest to learn other languages.

  • Alojamiento


    We provide you a private bedroom as well and fully secured locked. As we inform you that you will stay in Tutor team dorm as house in different room with dinning room and kitchen if you wish to cook as normally we will do cook together some times as traditional food and it will be possible you teach us your local food or cooking in your country. We will have breakfast, lunch, and supper together.
    We will do camping some times and we will provide everything for you.
    The most you need let me know so we can provide as well.

    It is free of charge. Not charging any fees or payments .

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    When you have off day we provide motorcycle and cycle and car with driver so no need to be worry.
    Stay with us in flexible and comfortable but no noisy for resting time.

    Our official social media you can check them out and ask us for the links.

    If you have free time would like to invite you our small village in Takengon. We will provide you accommodation & meals and local transport as well. And best moment you will exchange culture and sharing knowledge with our English club local students here.

    You will stay with us, food, local transport prepared, and enjoy natural mountain , lake, local food, and Best Gayo Arabica Coffee in the world no.3 best exporter quality.

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Yes . It is very helpful

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    We have sleeping bed, blanked, pillow, and tend. Food & Drink also Cooking equipment

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    Dog and cat.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 276982883822

Seguridad Web


Una mujer con pañuelo en la cabeza y delantal recoge cerezas de café de un arbusto en un frondoso campo verde, rodeada de otras personas en segundo plano.
La imagen muestra a un grupo de personas sentadas en el césped delante de una casa, enzarzadas en una discusión con una mujer que parece dirigir la conversación.
Una persona está plantando en un jardín, con un montón de tierra y una pala. La imagen procede probablemente de una revista o catálogo de jardinería. La escena es serena y tranquila.
La imagen muestra a un grupo de personas trabajando juntas para limpiar un patio, con un montón de ramas y hojas al fondo, transmitiendo un sentido de comunidad y responsabilidad medioambiental.
La imagen representa un paisaje sereno con una ciudad, un lago y montañas bajo un cielo nublado, con exuberante vegetación y un ambiente tranquilo.
La imagen muestra una habitación con una cama, una mesa y una silla. Las paredes son blancas y el suelo de madera. La habitación está bien iluminada y tiene una ventana grande.
La imagen muestra a un grupo de personas reunidas en torno a una mesa, con un gran cuenco de comida en el centro, rodeado de una mesa y sillas, probablemente para una comida o celebración.
La imagen muestra a un grupo de personas sentadas alrededor de una mesa, con un gran plato de comida en el centro. Los individuos están vestidos con ropa informal, y el ambiente parece relajado y social.


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