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Atividades em que tenho interesse:
I finished my big travel around the Europe. After traveling, I want to show amazing Taiwan too. Keep traveling and keep having wonderful life !!!
Hello, I am Chia-Lo Chang from Taiwan. You can call me Laura, too.
I am an adventurous and curious person. My dream is traveling around the world. I think that Workaway is a good way to let me achieve it! Especially, I can understand local life and different culture by working exchange. I enjoy making new friends and sharing different culture with each other.
I went to U.S.A for working holiday for three months in 2016. it was an amazing experience for me. I met a lot of friends come from different countries. Because of working holiday, they knew Taiwan, this small country. Otherwise, I knew their home town too.
After that, I am falling in love with traveling!!!
I want to let more people know Taiwan! And I am willing to share Taiwanese food and our culture with you.
I just finished my trip in Europe in June 2023. it's mean a lot for me. Change me also let me know what I want now.
Let me know when you visit Taiwan! I would like to share beautiful Taiwan with you!Interesses
LivrosArquiteturaCriação de vídeosVida na estradaEsportes de equipeSustentabilidadeMochilãoFitnessEventos e socialDesenho e pinturaFaça você mesmoCulinária e comidaEsportes de aventuraYoga/bem-estarEsportes de invernoEsportes aquáticosFotografiaMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaMontanhasCaminhadaCulturaCampingArte e designPraiaAnimaisIdiomas
Chinês (mandarim): Fluente
Inglês: IntermediárioMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos artísticos
Projetos ambientais
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Manutenção geral
Ajuda com computadores/internet
Vida na fazenda
Conhecimento de:
Quais são suas habilidades?
My major is Tourism. I learned the server work at restaurant, the housekeeper clean room at hotel and so on. I went to banquet apartment for my internship for one year. I help to set up the table, served guests even had the wedding activities. I enjoy every moment at my work and my co-worker. Especially, we made every big activities together! After I graduate I work at Travel agency. Travelling is my favorite. But because of covid-19, I have some free time. So that's why I travel around the Europe now.
Open a coffee shop is one of my dreams as well. I want to collect various ideals and new thing when I travel around Europe. Travel is a wonderful way to let me have a lot of new ideals and special experience!
I love kid and pet too! I enjoy getting along with them. Even I can teach kid some Chinese and share eastern culture with them.
I like to activities outside as well. In my free time, I go hiking and camping with my friends. So I can help with gardening or taking care of animals, too.
I did babysitting, gardening, woodworking, and teach Chinese. I love every different works. I am willing to try new thing and new skills!Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
noneDietas especiais
She played lovely with our two kids and was a big help inside and outside of our house.
We would absolutly reccommend everyone to host her.
Thanks for everything and see you again for… read more
She played lovely with our two kids and was a big help inside and outside of our house.
We would absolutly reccommend everyone to host her.
Thanks for everything and see you again for… read more
I worked less than 4~5 hours each day. I painted the wood, the door and cleaned the room in the brewery. They were cared about you if you can handle with job.
I ate dinner with Justin, Els, and theirs boys. Els is excellent for… read more
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