Informações do perfil
Farrah 22 Female
Benji 25 Male
We're both natural travelers, who love the outdoors just as much as we love moving around. Discovering new places and exploring them is our favourite activity.
Both of us have our level two ski and snowboarding CASI qualifications. We did this qualification with Snowskool at the beginning of 2022. We have currently spent the last year exploring and working in Canada.
We started the year off with a Workaway in Alberta for Easter Seals Camp Horizon, where we built benches, painted cabins, cooked and baked, did bushcraft games with the campers, made an ice rink and had some great times with the others we work along side with.
After we then did a week road trip across Canada to Whistler Bc to spend our time as outdoor adventure guides in Kayaking and Ziplining. We lived in our van at the time and enjoyed living within the Cheakamus rainforest experiencing the changing of the seasons and connecting more with nature.
We are now coming back home to England to spend time with family and to enjoy the lovely nature up in Scotland.
We are looking for a workaway that would suit us both. This would be either working on a farm, ranch or off grid project. We always want the opportunity to work with animals as we love them so much and to also improve our building skills. Benji also loves to be able to do some cooking, be that for our hosts or guests.
If theres anything else you'd like to know about us please drop me a message and we'd be glad to chat!Interesses
LivrosTrabalho beneficenteYoga/bem-estarEsportes de invernoEsportes aquáticosCriação de vídeosSustentabilidadeVegetariano/veganoVida na estradaCuidar de plantasFotografiaMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaFilmes e TVMúsicaMontanhasMochilãoCaminhadaJardinagemFazendaDesenho e pinturaFaça você mesmoCulturaCulinária e comidaCampingPraiaArte e designEsportes de aventuraAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Temos interesse em:
Projetos ambientaisVida na fazendaHotelaria/turismoManutenção geralAjuda a cuidar da casaTrabalho beneficenteIdiomasProjetos artísticosConhecimento de:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoAjuda com computadores/internetEnsinoPodemos ensinar:
Cuidar de animaisCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasQuais são suas habilidades?
Animal Care
Scuba Diving
Cleaning and Organising
16 hour first aidIdade
25 & 22
Algo mais...
We both know a lot of great card games, some that a lot of people don't know. We love to be social but also love our alonetime just as much. We both have experience taking care of many different types of animal and both really enjoy doing so. Our favourite thing to cook is different types of pasta. Creating new weird and wonderful recepies is something we find ourselves doing very often and would love to share our knowledge. Benji is also an amazing baker, just wait until you try his famous brownie.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
NoDietas especiais