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Información de perfil

  • Información de viaje

    Ahora estoy

    en casa

    Actividades que me interesan:

    Hey, my name is Franca, I graduated high school in 2021 and am looking forward to exploring the world;)

  • Descripción

    Hey, I´m Franca from Germany, I really love meeting new people, making new experiences and learning more about other cultures and especially languages (i already speak 4:)). I'm an openminded person who really thrives off meeting and connecting with other people and friends.

    When I was 15, I lived in the Netherlands for 6months as an exchange student in a host family where I became much more independent and also learned dutch.
    The past year I spend 5 weeks in Milan, 10 weeks in Puerto Rico, then I travelled in a Van from France through Spain to Portugal and the summer I spent working on Norderney, a german north sea island:)

    I graduated in 2021 with my Abitur (german high school diploma) and now I want to explore more of the world before starting university in 2023:)

    In the past year I saw a lot of new places, met a lot of new people and also picked up a lot of new skills that I didn't even think I'd enjoy that much and have that much fun with before learning them. For that reason I decided to continue doing that until I'm starting an bio engineering internship in May.
    That´s also how I realised that I really enjoy spending time outside and in nature and also that I want to study something like biology or environmental science at university. I just think it´s really fascinating how all the processes in nature work, starting with watching how things grow under different circumstances.

    Some things I'm interested in/like to do are boats in general, spending time outside, all kinds water sports (I really want to learn kite surfing and more about surfing), cooking, reading, creative projects, music, having good conversations with (new) people, farming and self-sufficiency, ...

    (btw I'm already fully vaccinated and boostered)

  • Intereses

    Vida en autocaravana
    Navegar / barcos
    Moda y belleza
    Deportes acuáticos
    Actividades al aire libre
    Deportes de aventura
    Política / justicia social
    Eventos y sociedad
    Bricolaje y manualidades
    Cocina y alimentación

    mostrar más
  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Alemán: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Holandés: Fluido
    Francés: Intermedio

    Más información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
    I´m open to learn pretty much any language, and would love to get the chance to practice the ones I already know:) Also I´d love to help others with german or english.

    Buscar un colega de idioma

  • Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender

    Me interesa:  

    Proyectos ecológicos
    Cuidado de animales
    Trabajo de caridad

    Ciertos conocimientos de:  

    Proyectos artísticos
    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
    Ayuda doméstica
    Ayuda con ordenadores/Internet
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Vida en una granja
    Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
    Mantenimiento general

    Puedo enseñar:  

  • Que habilidades tienes?

    I love to do Diy stuff, that's why crocheting and sewing are two of my hobbies; I started rowing when I was 8 years old, that's why I know some things about rowboats; Also since two years I am a youth coach there, that's why I also have experience working with 10-15 year olds.

    I worked as a waitress on a tourist boat and in a Café for two years, therefore I'm kind of experienced with working in service and how to treat customers;

    In November/December 2021 I was in Milan, Italy as an Aupair and helped a family with their kids.

    I also gained some experience in farm and garden work doing a workexchange on two farms in Puerto Rico in February and April 2022, there I also volunteered in a hostel:)

    As I already said, I'm pretty openminded and I love to learn new things and pick up new skills, that's why I think that also if I'm not the best at something in the beginning, I'll manage to do better happily and also pretty fast:)

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