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Eu estou
em casa
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Check out my instagram reels from previous workaway experiences below:
G'day, I'm Adam and I'm an Aussie nomad & adventurist seeking the most out of every day.
I enjoy working and I take pride in what I do.
I'm a clean, respectful person, I work hard and I'm grateful for what I'm given.
I am a good communicator and I always try to do right by others.Interesses
Cuidar de plantasCiclismoHistóriaDesenho e pinturaFaça você mesmoTrabalho beneficenteLivrosCarpintariaArte e designFotografiaJardinagemFazendaDançaCulturaAnimaisYoga/bem-estarAutodesenvolvimentoNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreMúsicaMontanhasMochilãoFitnessCaminhadaEventos e socialCampingCulinária e comidaPraiaArquiteturaEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I'm interested in learning all languages! I like to learn the local language of wherever I am, and would love to have a tutor to learn a language properlyHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Cuidar de animaisProjetos artísticosProjetos ambientaisCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaTrabalho beneficenteIdiomasEnsinoConhecimento de:
JardinagemVida na fazendaAjuda com computadores/internetHotelaria/turismoPoso ensinar:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralQuais são suas habilidades?
Qualified diesel mechanic & machinist (dual tradesman) with experience in mechanics, low voltage electrical, hydraulics, etc.
I also have construction experience, having undertaken the family home renovations, and can help with any carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or general maintenance tasks.
I grew up on a small farm in the country, and I'm handy with any farming or gardening task you can throw at me, including livestock, trees & plants, and general farm maintenance.
I have worked in hospitality and am familiar and comfortable with customer relations and professionality.
I have a can-do attitude, and will always have a go.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
Adam was from the beginning very easy-going and accommodating with our lifestyle. It was also the first time since we had a baby to welcome a volunteer at home and it just matched. :)
He helped us in more ways than I can list them there, but his… read more
Incredible traditional Serbian and international food cooked by Lucile.
Joining mobas (working bees) and helping locals on projects (and enjoying more amazing food).
Being taught by Milan to use traditional farming tools and… read more
Inside the gate is lush with trees and plants and umbrellas and couches. I spent a lot of time here socialising and recuperating from a very busy travel period.
The vibe is one of the best I've experienced at a… read more
His friendly and open nature quickly made him a valued member… read more
Horst, the mastermind. He's always full of energy and motivates with ease, leading by example. I was impressed when, after 13 surgeries… read more
Adam was from the beginning very easy-going and accommodating with our lifestyle. It was also the first time since we had a baby to welcome a volunteer at home and it just matched. :)
He helped us in more ways than I can list them there, but his… read more
Incredible traditional Serbian and international food cooked by Lucile.
Joining mobas (working bees) and helping locals on projects (and enjoying more amazing food).
Being taught by Milan to use traditional farming tools and… read more
Inside the gate is lush with trees and plants and umbrellas and couches. I spent a lot of time here socialising and recuperating from a very busy travel period.
The vibe is one of the best I've experienced at a… read more
His friendly and open nature quickly made him a valued member… read more
Horst, the mastermind. He's always full of energy and motivates with ease, leading by example. I was impressed when, after 13 surgeries… read more
Even though I have experience with farmstay work (my parents host travellers in Australia), I really didn't know what to expect.
Mira, Max & Jonathan were very good to me, making me feel at home but also giving me the freedom to do things my way.
During my… read more