Informações do perfil
Informações de viagem
Eu estou
em casa
I am an adventurous, easy going, respectful and flexible person who loves to meet new people, near and very far away. When travelling, I like to stay in AirBnB's so I can meet people who live where I am visiting, and I like to stay for a while rather than trying to visit as many places as I can in the time I am away. Traveling brings me so much joy. After every trip I am filled with so much gratitude for all the new experiences and people I met.
I'm a very creative person. I like to draw and paint using watercolors. I'm also good at sewing by hand or on a machine. Honestly, I like to repair things. Whether it's sewing to repair or recreate garments or even starting fresh with a pattern, fixing walls with plaster then painting it, sanding wood then refinishing it to its original beauty, all of it! I find repairing or reviving things as satisfying , perhaps more so than creating something new.
I am a lifelong lover of learning! The amazing opportunities for cultural and educational exchanges workaway makes available is so inspiring! I appreciate that the exchange involves a component of doing! I wish I had found this a long time ago!
I'm a great team worker as well as good at working independently. I can easily take instructions as well as take initiative to do what is evident that needs to be done.
I am an avid hiker/walker. I walk 2+ miles every day to work and I take a 2 night backpack trip every year for my birthday. I also like to ski and swim (mostly in lakes, streams or the ocean). Basically, I LOVE the great outdoors and feel so grateful every time I am awed by a beautiful environment, experience and encounter.
My former husband and I bought forested land in North Idaho near the Canadian border. We cut the trees we needed and took them to a neighbor's little saw mill to cut timbers and built our timber framed home where we raised our 2 sons.
We grew a huge garden on our property and were part of a community that grew a very large amount of vegetables on several acres.
We dug a cistern to collect rainwater because drilling a well was too costly. That was the water we used for everything except drinking. We collected that from our neighbors spring. We were totally "off grid" and had solar panels. For a only a couple months a year did we need to charge our batteries with a generator. It was a very rich back-to-the-land experience that I shall cherish all my life and that quite frankly, I miss.
Eating and cooking good, fresh, healthy food is important to me! Even better in community!
I am inspired and and feel so much hope by all the sustainable, regenerative agricultural movements that are spreading across the world, thank goodness! Whether it's in growing food, keeping bees, restoring overused and tired land, raising animals humanely, turning vacant lots in large cities into community gardens, creating edible school yards, or education projects to help people learn about the amazing interconnectedness all creatures on earth have to the soil, it would be a pleasure and honor to be a part of it, even if only in a small way for a couple weeks or so. Growing and making good, healthy food available to all, not just myself, is very important to me.
I have been a teacher for almost 30 years and am still working as a Nursery teacher in a Steiner/Waldorf School in Bellingham, Washington. 2 hours north of Seattle and 40 min. south of Vancouver, BC, Canada. It has been a career and life path that has nourished me deeply. I am part of an incredible faculty as well as community for which I am deeply grateful.
I am inspired by the Workaway program and goals. I would truly be happy to roll up my sleeves and help in any way that is needed. I am a dependable, conscientious, cheerful and filled with gratitude person who is eager to come and lend a hand and learn!
Thank you for considering me!
"Of all the things we can be in the world......
be kind."Interesses
Cuidar de plantasMúsicaHistóriaEventos e socialEsportes de invernoCaminhadaDesenho e pinturaSustentabilidadeMascotesMontanhasJardinagemIdiomasFitnessFaça você mesmoAtividades ao ar livreYoga/bem-estarVida na estradaPolítica/justiça socialNaturalezaFazendaCulturaIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I could help with English learnersHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientais
Trabalho beneficente
Vida na fazenda
Manutenção geral
Conhecimento de:
Projetos artísticos
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Quais são suas habilidades?
* I am a gardner and have grown and helped with large gardens in the past.
* I enjoy cooking and am happy to help with creating meals, cleaning, laundry, whatever you need around the house.
* I'm good with painting. Trim or whole rooms. Inside or out.
* I can help with repairs that are simple or be a very good assistant with more involved projects. (We built our own house)
* I am artistic. I have a good "eye". I like to draw and paint with watercolors.
* I am a good seamstress. I sew well by hand or on a machine. I'm very good at mending and repurposing garments.
* I love animals. Dogs, cats, horses, farm animals. My former husband and I were caretakers on a large ranch for a year.
* I LOVE children. I am a Nursery teacher at a Steiner/Waldorf School. While I'm not looking for a child caring position, I would enjoy the opportunity to stay with a family and be a "grandma"!
* Sadly, I only speak English. I know a lot of words in Spanish, but I'm not very good at putting them together to form a sentence. I would be happy to help with others learning English and I am always happy when I can learn some of the language of the place where I am visiting.Idade
Algo mais...
Oh I love to play cards and board games.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
No Soy. I eat gluten but keep it at a minimum
she has a wonderful apartment that's across the street from an amazing park. we… read more
Mary is very experienced, respectful and charming who has a wide range of interests.
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she has a wonderful apartment that's across the street from an amazing park. we… read more
Mary is very experienced, respectful and charming who has a wide range of interests.
She… read more