Informações do perfil
Hey lovely people out there,
my name is Lin. I try my best to enjoy every moment in my life as much as possible. The pleasant and the unpleasant. I know and remember my self that I can learn especially from those ones and I try to find the gift in them and learn to accept what I can not change and find peace with that.
I think most of all life wants to be lived and I try my best to do this and to be in the present moment as much as possible.
I learn every day from mother earth, from other people, from every single situation.
I try to be as open minded as I can, be curious like a child and learn from experiences I made so far.
I love to observe the beauty and magic of the Universe, which will be always a miracle.
I try more to feel with my body and listen to my intuition than to be mind driven, even though I am German and it´s still a challenge (-:
Normally I am a documentary film maker but because my life is changing all the time I want to try out new things. I want to share time with other people, learn from each other, inspire each other, share experiences and give and receive what ever life is bringing to us.
So as one human family we can create something beautiful, as individuals and also as a collective.Interesses
CaminhadaEsportes de invernoIdiomasVida na estradaMascotesEsportes de aventuraCampingEsportes aquáticosFaça você mesmoFazendaEscreverCuidar de plantasSustentabilidadeAutodesenvolvimentoNaturalezaAnimaisIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: FluenteHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Temos interesse em:
JardinagemProjetos ambientaisEnsinoConhecimento de:
Manutenção geralCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasVida na fazendaAjuda a cuidar da casaCuidar de animaisProjetos artísticosPodemos ensinar:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasQuais são suas habilidades?
It will be my first work away experience but in general I love getting into new things and learning something new, especially in different microcosms. Learning from other people and learning more about nature in general is my aim and wish. I am a very open, motivated and enthusiastic person. Because of my job as a documentary film maker I made already different experiences all over the world which I enjoyed so much and I am so grateful for. My last experience was in Nicaragua, deep in the jungle, helping to build a traditional wood hut. Most of all I love to spend time with animals, children and in nature. I started to get into permaculture which I find so interesting and would love to learn more about it.
37 & 32
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
noDietas especiais
no but I prefer vegetarian
Ignaz respektvoller und wertschätzender Umgang mit dem Wald hat mich sehr beeindruckt und ich kann nur jedem empfehlen diesen traumhaften Ort zu besuchen.
Einblicke in keltisch christliche Traditionen, magische musikalische Momente, wunderbare… read more
Ignaz respektvoller und wertschätzender Umgang mit dem Wald hat mich sehr beeindruckt und ich kann nur jedem empfehlen diesen traumhaften Ort zu besuchen.
Einblicke in keltisch christliche Traditionen, magische musikalische Momente, wunderbare… read more
Ich habe so viel gelernt und wurde wärmstens von der ganzen Familie aufgenommen. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf ein Wiedersehen und trage euch immer im Herzen bei mir.
Hard worker and always kin to help.
Totally recommended!