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Eu estou
em casa
Meu próximo destino:
Scotland, United Kingdom - desde Ago 2024 até Set 2024 Ver tudoDescrição
It has been a life-long dream of mine to see different parts of the world, experience the uniqueness of different cultures and lifestyles, and connect with people and nature. I enjoy all things outside (hiking, kayaking, swimming, etc) and have years experience with working outside and DIY projects. Although I sadly no longer have any pets of my own, I love all animals. I work in the medical field and have been blessed with the opportunity to take a several month break to reconnect with myself and nature.
Yoga/bem-estarAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadeCuidar de plantasMascotesMontanhasFitnessJardinagemCaminhadaFaça você mesmoAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaLGBTQFazendaCulturaCiclismoAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am willing to teach English. I am very interested in learning other languages during my travels.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteProjetos ambientaisVida na fazendaConhecimento de:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de animaisAjuda a cuidar da casaManutenção geralCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasEnsinoQuais são suas habilidades?
I have done many DIY projects and am experienced with power tools, hand tools, and yard equipment. I have built a fence, laid luxury vinyl flooring and tile flooring, completely remodeled a bathroom and lots of painting. I have grown a vegetable garden for years and am no stranger to planting, weeding, tilling, mowing, weed-wacking and fertilizing. I have owned many pets over the years including dogs, cat, ball python, chameleons, rabbit, hamster, fish, and parakeets. I have raised two beautiful daughters, now 21 and 15.
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I like to be physically active (walking, jogging, hiking, biking, lifting weights). I participate in hot yoga weekly and believe in the value of meditation, deep breathing, and reflection. I like to read and play cards/board games. I like to work with my hands and don't mind getting dirty.
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Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais