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Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Hi travelers and locals friends!
I'll be travelling around Turkey during November. I would like to learn about Turkish cuisine and history and go hiking in the mountains.Descrição
Hi! My name is Laura, I'm nomadic, I started traveling about 8 years ago.
I am always curious to learn new things and share experiences!
During school years I studied biology and nature conservation.
When I need to work, I am seasonal worker.
I grew up in the countryside, I'm really attached to traditional ways of living.
Skiing and hikking are my best ways to feel free.
Yoga helps me a lot in my life.
I would love to learn how to create with ceramic!
I like photography and reading.
I really enjoy living in the mountains or next to the sea, close to nature in general, its hard for me to stay for a long time in a city.
I speak French, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and English.Interesses
FotografiaHistóriaCaminhadaDesenho e pinturaArquiteturaEsportes de aventuraAutodesenvolvimentoLivrosCuidar de plantasEsportes de invernoYoga/bem-estarMontanhasNaturalezaIdiomasJardinagemCulturaCulinária e comidaFaça você mesmoMochilãoAnimaisAtividades ao ar livreIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: Fluente
Francês: Fluente
Português: Intermediário
Indonesian: Iniciante
Italiano: Iniciante
Japonês: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteProjetos artísticosHouse sittingConhecimento de:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralVida na fazendaProjetos ambientaisAjuda a cuidar da casaCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasPoso ensinar:
Cuidar de animaisHotelaria/turismoIdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
I like to cook, inspired by the different way of cooking I have learned from my travels.
I grew up in a rural area, so harvesting, feeding animals, chopping wood were daily stuff for me.
I can teach French, I've been a French tutor for som me months.
I know about gardening and diy.
I’m trained in naturopathy.Idade
Algo mais...
Countries where I have traveled to: United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Monaco, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay, Morocco, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan, Vietnam, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania.
Countries where l have lived in : Brazil, Chile, Portugal, France, New Zealand.Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
No processed/industrial food.
What a nice stay! Laura and Luke are the bests to make you feel home. They are incredibly generous and easy going.
After few days, I almost forgot that I was volunteering, it was like staying at a mate place.
Work is nice! I could organise my work on my own, mostly… read more
Planting trees could be physical but you will be well reward with a good meals and warm cosy private bathroom and room.
I also gave a hand for some cleaning around the house and trimming a hedge. Never worked hard and always had… read more
We also enjoyed having her company in our home.
We would recommend her to anyone looking for help.
The tasks are not difficult and varied enough. You will have peaceful nights in a nice cabin. (You can hear the kiwis at night).
The food they provide is just the best you could need, all local, natural, and organic.… read more
What a nice stay! Laura and Luke are the bests to make you feel home. They are incredibly generous and easy going.
After few days, I almost forgot that I was volunteering, it was like staying at a mate place.
Work is nice! I could organise my work on my own, mostly… read more
Planting trees could be physical but you will be well reward with a good meals and warm cosy private bathroom and room.
I also gave a hand for some cleaning around the house and trimming a hedge. Never worked hard and always had… read more
We also enjoyed having her company in our home.
We would recommend her to anyone looking for help.
The tasks are not difficult and varied enough. You will have peaceful nights in a nice cabin. (You can hear the kiwis at night).
The food they provide is just the best you could need, all local, natural, and organic.… read more
Nos estuvo ayundando entre otras cosas en la recepción, dando la bienvenida a los huéspedes, check -in. mantenimiento de la cocina, reservaciones, lavanderia entre otros.
Mi familia y yo estamos my agradecidos de que hayas podido ayudarnos aquí en… read more