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Eu estou
Hi! My name is Giacomo. I am planning a trip around the world in order to work on a photography project. I am a programmer in life, but although I enjoy what I do, I have decided to set aside some time for myself and my passion for photography.
In recent years I have been through this platform to Iceland, Sweden and Slovenia. In the first two I was hosted by families and did mostly household chores and pet sitting, in Slovenia on the other hand I worked for a month at a camping welcoming clients, cooking and managing the maintenance of the camping along with other volunteers. I am a very easygoing person, I like to get to know people and their stories, and I like to integrate myself in contexts far from my own habits. This is also why I chose to set out on a journey!Interesses
Velejar/navegarCarpintariaEsportes de aventuraAutodesenvolvimentoPolítica/justiça socialTecnologiaSustentabilidadeCuidar de plantasFotografiaMascotesArtes performáticasAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaFilmes e TVMúsicaMontanhasIdiomasJardinagemFitnessFazendaEventos e socialDesenho e pinturaFaça você mesmoTrabalho beneficenteCulinária e comidaCampingAstronomiaPraiaArte e designAnimaisIdiomas
Italiano: Fluente
Inglês: IntermediárioMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am interested in learning any language I don't know, I'm here to discover everything about foregin cultures!Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoFazer companhia para idososManutenção geralVida na fazendaProjetos ambientaisAjuda a cuidar da casaTrabalho beneficenteProjetos artísticosConhecimento de:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseirasCuidar de animaisQuais são suas habilidades?
Cooking, Computer help, Housework
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
We like also his italian cuisine.
Giacomo is a person that we would like to reccomend to all other hosts.
Thank you Giacomo.
We like also his italian cuisine.
Giacomo is a person that we would like to reccomend to all other hosts.
Thank you Giacomo.