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Atividades em que tenho interesse:
currently in puerto Escondido
Hello my name is Caleb I'm new to this platform and extremely excited to begin my travel beginning in Mexico. My hometown is El Paso, Texas but, I currently reside in Spavinaw, Oklahoma. I have worked as heavy diesel mechanic for the past 15 years and was able to retire early in life and have the ability to travel. So, I decided to use workaway as my catalyst to have great experiences and use my knowledge and abilities to help others along the way.
Cuidar de plantasSustentabilidadeArquiteturaAnimaisEsportes de aventuraCaminhadaEventos e socialLivrosTrabalho beneficenteDançaAutodesenvolvimentoMúsicaHistóriaMontanhasAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaFazendaCulinária e comidaCarpintariaCulturaCampingPraiaIdiomas
Espanhol: IntermediárioMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
i was raised in a English/Spanish house hold and would love to become more proficient. I have enough knowledge to read and write but very far from perfect. I would also like to learn other languages as well.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteProjetos ambientaisFazer companhia para idososConhecimento de:
IdiomasJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaVida na fazendaManutenção geralQuais são suas habilidades?
I have worked as a heavy diesel mechanic from my time in the United States Army and most all of my civilian life. I mostly worked on large equipment but have worked on most things that have a diesel engine. While being a mechanic it never stopped me from following my passion which is cooking. I attended Le Cordon Bleu in Austin, Texas for just over a year and a half but unfortunately was unable to finish due to a move for work, I did acquire in that time the experience needed to be a great asset in any kitchen environment. I have great people skills and can work with all types of personalities in a group or independently.
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I love nature and being in it as much as possible! I also enjoy reading and listening to music whenever reasonably possible.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Not that i am aware ofDietas especiais
very open and will try anthing