Informações do perfil
I was born and raised in New Zealand. I went through the Waldorf schooling system, from kindergarten to graduating high school.
I am 24yo years old, a dual citizen of Germany and New Zealand.
When I was 19 I had my first big solo adventure to South Korea, It was then I discovered my love for travel.
I learnt many valuable lessons, not just about the world but also myself and what I am capable of.
I have a craving to learn so I can expand my knowledge on this beautiful world and its people.
I am a bright positive person who always finds the silver lining.
I am outgoing therefore making the most of every situation put in front of me.
Being around animals growing up has led me to create this deep care, love and respect for the creatures we share this earth with, It is for that reason I am a proud vegetarian.
I am a free spirit that enjoys a good mental challenge. The skill of being able to Pick up on new tasks fast is a good quality of mine, made easier with a hands on approach.
I am a go where the wind blows sort of person, never planning to far ahead.
In my spare time I like reading books, drawing, and writing, i also use photography as a way to document my adventures.
Being outside in nature is what makes me the happiest.
Having that time alone is so important in order to decompress, bringing myself back to center.
I have a big creative streak in me that sparks around interesting people and environments.
i am also a bit of a chatter box once i get comfortable.
I make a point to do things that may be out of my comfort zone, I believe in trying everything at least once.
I always try to improve upon myself and keep open to new ideas and change.Interesses
MochilãoDançaArte e designFilmes e TVTrabalho beneficenteCampingEscreverCuidar de plantasMúsicaCulinária e comidaCaminhadaDesenho e pinturaSustentabilidadeMascotesMontanhasJardinagemCarpintariaAutodesenvolvimentoArtes performáticasIdiomasFaça você mesmoVegetariano/veganoAtividades ao ar livreLivrosAnimaisYoga/bem-estarNaturalezaFazendaCulturaIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am very interested in learning GermanHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoProjetos ambientaisHotelaria/turismoIdiomasConhecimento de:
JardinagemManutenção geralVida na fazendaAjuda a cuidar da casaProjetos artísticosPoso ensinar:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasCuidar de animaisQuais são suas habilidades?
I garden for fun, enjoying not just the results but actual act of gardening.
I have hands on experience with building.
I have worked as a reliever for half a year in day care, and babysit for my friends and family regularly.
I have recently received my diploma in animal welfare.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
The area is heaven for me, being out in the beautiful nature with incredible animals and humans.
I learnt a new and better way to communicate with the animals.
Gudrun is such a kind and loving person who I will miss very much.
Michael is a funny caring person who was always ready to help if I had a question.
I… read more
the work was fair and I got to do a variety of jobs.
Priska is such a warm and welcoming person, she let me friends come and visit with no problems.
she has a big heart and I am very grateful for her.
I respect and admire the way they get their food.
I would highly recommend this place,… read more
We recommend her 100%.
the views are outrageously beautiful, and so many beautiful walks around the house.
the work was lots of different stuff which I greatly enjoyed, putting up fences, weeding the garden, moving goats, caring for the chickens and much more.
I highly recommend this stay, especially with you love… read more
The area is heaven for me, being out in the beautiful nature with incredible animals and humans.
I learnt a new and better way to communicate with the animals.
Gudrun is such a kind and loving person who I will miss very much.
Michael is a funny caring person who was always ready to help if I had a question.
I… read more
the work was fair and I got to do a variety of jobs.
Priska is such a warm and welcoming person, she let me friends come and visit with no problems.
she has a big heart and I am very grateful for her.
I respect and admire the way they get their food.
I would highly recommend this place,… read more
We recommend her 100%.
the views are outrageously beautiful, and so many beautiful walks around the house.
the work was lots of different stuff which I greatly enjoyed, putting up fences, weeding the garden, moving goats, caring for the chickens and much more.
I highly recommend this stay, especially with you love… read more
I found the work enjoyable.
I was given the opportunity to travel while here, which was great.
Emanuel is a high energy kid, who is fun to spend time with.
Stefan and Gwen where very kind qnd I always felt welcome.
I recommend if you enjoy family life and nature.
I loved going for walks… read more
there is a large group of people who are all very interesting in their own way, something I deeply enjoyed about the place.
there is an acceptance of who you are as a person that I appreciated so much.
I thought the containering was such an awesome idea.
I got the opportunity to help out with a variety of things… read more
Elke is a lovely person, not to mention a great cook.
being around the animals and the people was an experience I won't soon forget.
I would highly recommend if you are open to meeting new people and love animals.
Elke was kind enough to let me ride her horses, which… read more
I loved being around all the animals and the work was good.
Katrin is a very kind woman who communicated well.
the accommodation was also very nice.
would highly recommend for animal lovers.
Michela was an amazing host, she went above and beyond, I felt very comfortable.
I enjoyed looking after the children, mainly the youngest, he is very sweet and loves football.
Michela even bought me a cake and celebrated my birthday with me.
For my first workaway experience, I could not have asked for a better… read more