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Hallo, ich bin Janika. Ich studiere Lehramt und versuche zwischendurch immer wieder Zeit zu finden um ein wenig zu reisen, neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln, zu arbeiten und neue Leute kennenzulernen. Ich bin sportlich, sehr Tierlieb und bin gerne in der Natur, deswegen sind besonders Farmarbeiten und Jobs mit Tieren oder an der frischen Luft sehr geeignet für mich. Allerdings bin ich auch offen für Jobs in anderen Bereichen. Zudem ist mir die Umwelt sehr wichtig und ich hätte Lust etwas in diesem Bereich zu bewirken und gerne auch etwas dazuzulernen. Ich bin offen neues zu lernen und freue mich neue Menschen kennenzulernen!
Hello, I'm Janika. I'm studying to become a teacher and I always try to find time to travel a little, gain new experiences, work and meet new people. I like being active, i love animals and I like being in nature, which is why farm work and jobs with animals or generally outside are particularly suitable for me. However, I am also open to jobs in other areas! In addition, the environment is very important to me and I would like to make a difference in this area and also learn something new. I'm open to learning new things and looking forward to meeting new people!Interesses
Eventos e socialFazendaFaça você mesmoCiclismoCulturaCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteLivrosPraiaEsportes de aventuraYoga/bem-estarEsportes aquáticosVegetariano/veganoAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadePolítica/justiça socialCuidar de plantasMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaFilmes e TVMontanhasIdiomasCaminhadaJardinagemFitnessAnimaisIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Intermediário
Francês: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientais
Trabalho beneficente
Projetos artísticos
Conhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Vida na fazenda
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Ajuda com computadores/internet
Manutenção geral
Poso ensinar:
Cuidar de animais
Quais são suas habilidades?
Ich studiere Lehramt und arbeite nebenbei in der Gastronomie.
Ich konnte über workaway schon einige neue Dinge lernen, wie Farmarbeit, Haushalt, Gartenpflege, Renovierungsarbeiten etc. Ich habe kein Problem damit mir die Hände schmutzig zu machen und kann auch körperlich anstrengende Arbeiten übernehmen. Zudem kann ich gut mit Tieren umgehen, da ich seit ich klein bin mit Hunden lebe und früh angefangen habe zu reiten. Ich treibe auch viel Sport und bin gerne an der frischen Luft. Zudem bin ich sehr umgänglich und zuverlässig und freue mich darauf noch mehr Dinge zu lernen.
I'm studying to become a teacher and work part-time in gastronomy.
I have already been able to learn some new things through workaway, such as farm work, household chores, gardening, renovation work, etc. I have no problem getting my hands dirty and I can also do physically demanding work. I'm also good with animals, since I've lived with dogs since I was little and started riding horses at an early age. I also do a lot of sports and like to be in the fresh air. In addition, I am very sociable and reliable and look forward to learning more things.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
Monica hopes Janika will return as she learned the way of the shelter very well.
Janika was… read more
The work with a beautiful view was also fun and specially to sit together with an apperetivo… read more
I liked the renovation work and that i could hopefully help a little with their interesting project.
I had a… read more
Monica hopes Janika will return as she learned the way of the shelter very well.
Janika was… read more
The work with a beautiful view was also fun and specially to sit together with an apperetivo… read more
I liked the renovation work and that i could hopefully help a little with their interesting project.
I had a… read more
We had many different tasks during the time, so the work dont get boring.
We had a great room and tasty meals from Emine every day! Emine is a very nice and helpful… read more
They worked with the irrigation system, pruning trees, weeding, seeding and other jobs. Both of… read more