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Good Workawayer
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  • Informações de viagem

    Eu estou


    Meu próximo destino:

    Tasmania, Australia - desde Nov 2024 até Dez 2024
    Ver tudo
  • Descrição

    Dear Host!
    My name is Jana, 26 years old and from Germany. I am a nursery school teacher and worked in nurserys with kids age 3-6 and toddlers age 1-6 including kids with special needs.
    During my travels I also had the possibility with workaway to make experience as a Nanny/Childminder. Since this year I am also a certifite Yoga-Teacher.
    I am a very outddoorsy person and love to go for long walks, hikes and runs in nature but alos enjoy reading good books.
    It would be amazing if I could join a family or single person and help out with childcare, household, gardening or other stuff to do and lerarn more about your culture or language.

  • Interesses

  • Idiomas

    Alemão: Fluente
    Inglês: Fluente
    Espanhol: Iniciante

    Mais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
    Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.

    Encontre um parceiro de estudo

  • Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender

    Conhecimento de:  

    Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Cuidar de animais
    Vida na fazenda
    Fazer companhia para idosos

    Poso ensinar:  

  • Quais são suas habilidades?

    Friends and family would describe be as a really patient and helpful person with a good sence of emphaty. I think thats why working with kids is so much fun for me but also give me a sense for what I am doing. Practicing and teaching Yoga is also something which makes me really happy and i am grateful for doing it.
    I love beeing outdoor and also helping out with work outdoor, thats wjy I also enjoy gardening very much. As a huge animal lover I enjoy beeing around pets and other animals and ready to help out with any animal- and farm work as well.

  • Idade


  • Algo mais...

    I am really open for leraning new things/skills and making new experiences :)

  • Mais algumas informações

    • Fumante

    • Carteira de motorista

    • Alergias

    • Dietas especiais



