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Eu estou
I love exploring new places, visiting monuments and experiencing the cultures in different countries and localities. I am also a huge nature lover, who loves going on hikes and seeing the different scenery and variety of animal and plant species depending on where you are!
I also love drawing and painting, I find it very calming and a way to relax the mind.Interesses
SustentabilidadeCiclismoCaminhadaJardinagemDesenho e pinturaCulinária e comidaAstronomiaAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: Fluente
Francês: IntermediárioHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientais
Cuidar de animais
Conhecimento de:
Poso ensinar:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Projetos artísticos
Quais são suas habilidades?
I very much like renovating and fixing things to give them a second life, such as furniture and clothes, as I believe you can use and reuse something while changing it to your tastes.
I am a very organised person I like to have things most things sorted and organised, so I can easily do talks or find anything I might need quickly.
I am also in the process of learning about botanical plants and animal species (specifically birds) as I love to learn and understand nature. I help my mother in her vegetable patch also, which I learn every day about different types of food produce and how to care for them correctly.Idade
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I like to sew with a sewing machine, I am not an expert by any means but I have made a few things, such as: a pencil case, curtains, pillow cases as well as mending and fixing clothes!
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
Both the area and the family are absolutely lovely. I was part of the family from day one😀, they included me in family day trips out like Oban, Inverness and Ceilidh dances (Scottish traditional dances). They also made a big effort to show me around the places and sights along the way.
In terms of the family. Ian… read more