Informações do perfil
Welcome to my Workaway profile!
I am an enthusiastic and adaptable traveler with diverse skills and experiences. I can problem-solve and think critically, making me a valuable team asset.
My first work away was at The Firehouse Hostel and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas.
I was there for nine months. It was a great way to experience the hospitality industry.
I returned for another three months, about a year later. Only the best of the best are asked to return.
As an experienced business owner and eCommerce specialist, I have deep marketing and social media knowledge. In addition, I have extensive experience in the hospitality industry and enjoy connecting with people from all walks of life.
I also have a spiritual inclination and enjoy learning about different cultures and practices. I have experience in import/export, product development, and seed propagation. I am also skilled in building plant aquaponic systems and have expertise in social marketing.
I am fluent in Spanish and love practicing and refining my language skills. Cultural exchange is my passion, and I am eager to learn and contribute to various projects.
Furthermore, I prioritize my physical fitness, have insurance, and am fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
I look forward to connecting with hosts and creating meaningful
experiences together. Let's embark on this journey of cultural exchange and growth!Interesses
LivrosTecnologiaEscreverEsportes aquáticosCriação de vídeosAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadeEsportes de aventuraCuidar de plantasFotografiaAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaFilmes e TVMontanhasIdiomasHistóriaCaminhadaJardinagemFazendaEventos e socialDançaFaça você mesmoCulturaTrabalho beneficenteCampingBlogsAstronomiaPraiaAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Currently working on getting TEFL certification.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Conhecimento de:
Manutenção geral
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Projetos ambientais
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Cuidar de animais
Poso ensinar:
Vida na fazenda
Trabalho beneficente
Ajuda com computadores/internet
Quais são suas habilidades?
Strong desire to learn.
I am willing to travel across the globe to learn what I want.
Computer, internet, and social marketing experience.
Over 15 years of experience in Import/export and managing an international business.
Strong photography skills.
I am very social and also able to keep myself busy when there is no one around,
I speak English and Spanish.
I have a good outlook on people and life and I like to challenge myself by learning new things.
I am not afraid of challenges and take pride in what I do.Idade
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I have strong moral values and know what I stand for in life.
I will follow any rules you have and consider it an honor to serve as a volunteer for your organization.
My long term goal is to open an NGO in South America.
I am looking for long term volunteer opportunities.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
No.Dietas especiais
I volunteered from March 11 to December 14th at this Hostel and Museum. I learned so many things and grew as a person so much.
The Hostel itself is a Museum and Hostel. The hours and responsibilities were exactly as described. The Manager, James was always a phone call away if I needed help… read more
I volunteered from March 11 to December 14th at this Hostel and Museum. I learned so many things and grew as a person so much.
The Hostel itself is a Museum and Hostel. The hours and responsibilities were exactly as described. The Manager, James was always a phone call away if I needed help… read more