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Eu estou
em casa
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Looking for a work away opportunity in BC that will help me further my knowledge of hemp farming, refining, and or hemp building (hempcrete).
Meu próximo destino:
British Columbia, Canada - desde Set 2024 até Ago 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
I consider myself an enthusiastic and curious individual during most hours of the day, with the exception of an hour window upon awaking from my slumber in the morning. I'm most motivated when given tasks that involve building/crafting along with a 'dash' of creativity. Tasks that are hands on, social, goal driven and with an ability to further a skill or to develop a new skill/attribute gain my interest the most. Happiness comes to me most when surrounded by nature as well as having a healthy challenge along side the good company of like-minded individuals. I've spent the last 3 years tree planting during the summer months and travelling during the winter months.
I have plenty experience as a chef so I make excellent home cooked meals, I am clean and organized, I communicate well to all ages (young and old), and I adhere to basic ethic codes of respect and present to my fellow man/woman/person with honesty. I have lots of experience with building (concrete, carpentry, paneling, drywall) and I enjoy physically demanding work. I can handle a multitude of diverse responsibilities too.
I dream of one day owning my own hemp farm where I wish to refine my hemp into products for building custom designed homes. These homes which I intend on architecturally designing and building myself, need to come from experience within the realm of sustainable housing projects so I desire to poke my interest into above mentioned concepts. Coming from a small town of Parry Sound Ontario, I'm needing more experience and knowledge which I hope to gain on my adventures through out Canada and beyond!Interesses
EscreverYoga/bem-estarEsportes aquáticosEsportes de invernoEsportes de equipeTecnologiaSustentabilidadeAutodesenvolvimentoPolítica/justiça socialNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreMascotesCuidar de plantasCulinária e comidaHistóriaCaminhadaMontanhasCampingCarpintariaAstronomiaArte e designArquiteturaEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am interested in language exchange. All languages are of interest to me :)Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteIdiomasJardinagemFazer companhia para idososCuidar de animaisAjuda a cuidar da casaConhecimento de:
Projetos ambientaisProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoHotelaria/turismoManutenção geralAjuda com computadores/internetPoso ensinar:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseirasQuais são suas habilidades?
As an experienced sales professional it's fair to say that when assessing my skills that socializing was always the top of the list however my passions had me focused in culinary art, and now I venture into the world of design and construction. My career is comprised of experience as a tech entrepreneur, a food consultant/sales professional/account manager, construction laborer, carpenter, chef, and a reforestation specialist. Although the pandemic had closed many of my opportunities, I'm happy to embrace new concepts.
My skills are wide-ranged and are listed below (not limited) in the following:
-Writing, editing, organizing information, project planning, strategy implementation, cooking, constructing, sculpting, leadership and motivation, physical labor, carpentry, client management, and more.Idade
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As an exhibitionist I am open to experiencing all of life's great offerings with nature exploration at the top of the list. Geology, psychology, astronomy, writing, data analytics, and art are at the top of my list of current interests. DIY eco projects are what I wish to learn the most about with my work away adventure with an emphasis on exploring Western Canada! I enjoy activities such as hockey, fishing, hiking, cooking, kayaking, crafting, to name a few. My end goal is to have a story worth writing a book about by the end of my adventure.
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