Férias em casas de família, voluntariando e trabalhando em Callao, Peru

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  • Intercâmbio de idiomas
    Intercâmbio de idiomas
  • Intercâmbio cultural
    Intercâmbio cultural
English language practice help in Lima, Peru
I have a one-bedroom apartment available, I would like to help people so they can stay for a few days or wait for their next flight for a few days; In this way I can practice to improve my level of English. I live in the city of Lima, in the ......


  • Intercâmbio cultural
    Intercâmbio cultural
Help with marine biology research in San Ándres, Pisco, Perú
The Research Laboratory is part of a Marine Biology and Aquaculture Engineering degree at a faculty of veterinary and biological Sciences. The Laboratory is located in San Ándres, Pisco, Peru El Laboratorio de Investigación es parte de la carrera ......