Create a place for alternative living and artistic freedom in Leipzig, Germany

  • Favorito 114 vezes
  • Última atividade : 23 out. 2024


  • Descrição


    Our Project:

    Well, after being with Workaway for a long time. Something like 7 years, the most lovely years. We met so many new people. Some people become very good friends and some others are a permanent part of the project and a lot of people decide to live in Leipzig.

    This project works and supports itself, it looks that we made it.

    Then we are in the most interesting steps and the nicest ones.

    Our dream is to create an Art residence where people and we, can live and develop ourselves. We have already created a place for alternative living. The house is a beautiful place where people can live together, enjoy being in a big city like Leipzig, and have a big large garden on the back of the property, where we can get fruits and vegetables. The atmosphere in the house is a nice mixture of different cultures and languages, too. Where people share some time together and have their own private space with a lot of respect for each other.

    Now the last project it´s about creating an art residency something like 400m² dedicated to arts. We already have a studio we want to keep like it is, for painting and printmaking. That something about 100m² where 4 people can work together.

    There is going to be another area for housing, where at the beginning 2 persons and later 4 can stay and another area for Keramik, Glas.

    We are located in the Northwest part of Leipzig in the neighborhood of Gohlis-Möckern and the Leipzig Zoo and within walking distance to the Auensee and Auenwald.

    Our house is just 13 minutes away by tram or bike from the city center and the main railway station.

    We are a private house that offers rent-free living and working space (Artstudio) for its members in exchange for a 4-5 hour workday, it is better if we work together for three days long from 9:00 to 15:00, weekends and German holidays excluded. We are a family composed of a father (42) and a kid (17) and a very good friend of ours that want to create this space with us. We are artists as well. Painting, Printing, Keramiks and Glasworks. Open-minded and nature and adventure-loving. For helping us we can offer food, accommodation, a place for meeting people and making music (we are starting to get some instruments), an art studio really comfortable and Internet. We talk very good Spanish English and German and we offer Language COURSES for everybody. If somebody has some skills for teaching his welcome to do it, not only for the people in the house. There is always a room that you can take, to teach something. With the time we manage to renovate a big part of the house and some people that one day came to help in the House stayed and live with us permanently, work in Leipzig or just stay with us keeping helping us. The house has a great atmosphere where people that work on ecological projects, painters, and artist lives together. Different nationalities and cultures.

    It could be that this year is going to be the last year we renovate areas in the House. Our last project is to renovate the attic which is going to be a 200m² studio (for painting, printing, and ceramics). If you want to help us with this project you are welcome and we appreciate your help. We want to finally keep this area for people that want to interchange with us their skills in arts.

    For people that are interested in Musik, we have a room in the basement improved as a music room, with a drum kit and amplifiers.

    The garden is working really well as a permaculture garden. To be part of this community you have to love working in the garden. Almost everybody spends part of their time in the garden helping and working there. It´s really a beautiful place.

    There is so much I can tell you about the house. Please be free to ask questions.

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Projetos artísticos
    Prática de idiomas
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
    Ajuda com computadores/internet
  • Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos da ONU
    Erradicar a pobreza
    Erradicar a fome
    Saúde de qualidade
    Educação de qualidade
    Igualdade de género
    Água potável e saneamento
    Energias renováveis e acessíveis
    Trabalho digno e crescimento económico
    Indústria, inovação e infraestruturas
    Reduzir as desigualdades
    Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
    Produção e consumo sustentáveis
    Ação climática
    Proteger a vida marinha
    Proteger a vida terrestre
    Paz, justiça et instituições eficazes
    Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Leipzig has been revitalized while keeping its historical buildings. Leipzig has many parks and green areas, which are enjoyed by its residents. In my opinion, people from Leipzig seem to be friendlier to strangers than those of the western German cities where I have been, too. The older population is less likely to speak any language in addition to German, but the younger population generally has skills in English, though they vary widely. The younger population is generally college students.
    The cost of visiting Leipzig can be inexpensive. Leipzig has become an escape for young Germans who think Hamburg is too expensive, Munich is too stuffy, and Berlin is overrated. The number of applicants to the University of Leipzig has nearly doubled over the past few years. Many people have described the city as the "better Berlin."
    Bands from around the world play gigs at UT Connewitz, Leipzig's oldest movie theater, located in the southern part of the city. Young women in drainpipe jeans and guys in retro jackets dance until late in the night in a big hall that, with its wide columns and high ceiling, looks like a church. Leipzig is a perfect place for young musicians; every night different bands take to the stage in the city's bars and clubs. The music scene is as diverse as in Hamburg but more open.
    The city of Leipzig is famous for its lively cultural scene with countless clubs, pubs, museums, cabarets, libraries, opera, and the "Gewandhaus" and thousands of students attending the local universities. Nevertheless, Leipzig with its 500.000 inhabitants is not a hectic city it has many beautiful parks and is surrounded by lakes and river landscapes where you can enjoy solitude and let your soul tangle.

  • Ajuda


    We are looking for reliable, orderly "willing to help" people with renovating, cleaning out rooms, helping with woodwork, painting, painting doors and windows, making glasswork, etc. You could also help gardening, decorating outside, making pottery, restoring lead glass windows, making furniture, etc. You see, there are plenty of ideas to put into practice. We think almost all ideas are welcome.
    The hours are not strictly determined in advance, there are no fixed starting times. Sometimes we will need your help during the whole day, but others maybe are nothing to do. We will talk about things and find the best solution for everybody. You should be flexible in working and planning your leisure time. You don´t have to be a professional (but some skills are needed).
    We have plenty of rooms in our house. Most of them are still empty or are very simple but functionally equipped. There is no central gas or oil heating in the building, we have old tile ovens.
    We guarantee a three-week stay, with the possibility of prolongation if everything works out. We are looking for volunteers all year round.
    One more thing we want to mention, before visiting us, please make sure that you are sufficiently insured ( in case of illness or injuring yourself.)
    We speak German, English and Spanish but we also would like to learn other languages. And teach them to others.
    If you are interested, it would be very helpful if you would please answer the following questions:
    1. When would you like to join us?
    2. How long would you like to stay with us?


    We have a lot of requests and suddenly the people don´t appear. There are other people that want to come and we have to deny their requests....... that's not fair for us and for them. If somebody wants to come to us, we always see if there is space in the house, before you come. If you want to come, please, check if you have time. :)

  • Idiomas

    Alemão: Fluente
    Inglês: Fluente
    Espanhol: Fluente

    Este anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas

  • Acomodação


    There is a room to share and a private one. There are other people living in the house.

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    We have a really fast internet conection. At some points in the day, like 20:00, a lot of people use the internet and can be a little bit slow. But the rest of the day is perfect.

  • Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Este anfitrião pode fornecer espaço para vans.

  • Pode aceitar animais

    Pode aceitar animais

    Este anfitrião está aberto a aceitar viajantes com animais de estimação.

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Mais de 2

  • ...

    Horas previstas

    no more than 4/5 hours, 5 days a week

Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 867652151382

Comentário (9)


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

Precisão do perfil:

Intercâmbio cultural:
