Lots of projects on our farm on the coast of North East Scotland, UK

  • Favorito 136 vezes
  • Última atividade : 10 set. 2024



 Hospedagem min. solicitada: 1 mês ou mais



  • Descrição



    Due to accommodation limitations we are seeking couples only, sorry! We are offering a very varied workaway position for those seeking to follow their own growing and farming careers in the future. As we have a wide diversity of farming interests we need a couples that have an existing knowledge and passion for the work they will be doing here, particularly in lambing, other animal care, basic joinery, fencing and use of power tools. And experience in market gardening, regenerative farming, or small scale retailing will be wonderful but less necessary! Fluency in English will also be a requirement and all relevant work visas must be in place already. So anyone with ability and an interest in helping with this would be very welcome, with fair wages (UK minimum wage as per age for all hours worked for all tasks) plus accommodation provided accordingly. There will be on the job training but I emphasise you must come with experience to make you able to help from the get-go, you may have to be ready to work some long days, possibly on your own in pairs, or alongside us, but we hope it will be very rewarding in many ways! As usual though we are really keen to hear from any couples looking to help with a host of DIY type jobs - from joinery, upcycling, painting, fence building - and general horticultural and animal care type help. Lots to do! We seek the independent natured people who love to interact but also like their own time to enjoy the surroundings or the leisure activities of their choice. Food will be self catering.

    The background. We are a 40 somethings couple hailing from Scotland and South Africa with 2 kid, aged 9 and 10 and relative new starts in farming. In 2017 we have taken on my dad's former arable farm of 140 acres here on the coast of North East Scotland and are full of ideas for change to make it more environmentally alive, sustainable, and financially viable - a tricky combo but very attainable, we just need a lot of help to get there! Business ventures range from sheep and pig rearing, free range poultry farming and a farm shop which opened in 2020. Sadly our flower farming and veg plot is on hold whilst we seek folks willing and able to take it on as their own business venture (it proved too much for me to do it alongside everything else). Future businesses (for starting Summer 2025) are to develop a green camping and glamping site, and we will be opening a trailer food business here on the farm for this Summer (2024) Other non commercial projects range from new woodland planting (Mar 2024) and hedge planting for wildllife, creating wildflower havens (Spring 2024 and on), bee keeping, kitchen gardening, building restoration, reclamation of old equipment or upcycling projects, we have lots to get involved in, get as mucky as you like, and learn as you go. A love of kids to help a bit with childcare (we have 2 children of 5 and 7, June 2020) or even helping with domestic duties such as cooking and housework would be awesome!

    Other interests are home brewing, food curing/smoking, making sausages and various butchery skills, so if you want to have a go or watch and learn then you will be very welcome. Wild food foraging also enjoyed by us but is seasonally dependant for availability or produce or free time!

    Extensive home library available on smallholding and good animal husbandry, permaculture, cooking and other related topics.

    We can provide warm or wet weather clothing and, in most cases, protective footwear against the elements! Not new, but good enough :)

    We are also located between 2 villages with pubs, shops, etc so you need not be isolated. If you want to visit NE Scotland and really see the value of your working day, with hopefully lovely people (!), then here's the place!

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Ajuda em projetos ambientais
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Cuidar de animais
    Ajuda em fazenda
    Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
  • Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos da ONU
    Erradicar a pobreza
    Erradicar a fome
    Saúde de qualidade
    Educação de qualidade
    Igualdade de género
    Água potável e saneamento
    Energias renováveis e acessíveis
    Trabalho digno e crescimento económico
    Indústria, inovação e infraestruturas
    Reduzir as desigualdades
    Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
    Produção e consumo sustentáveis
    Ação climática
    Proteger a vida marinha
    Proteger a vida terrestre
    Paz, justiça et instituições eficazes
    Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    We are both seasoned travellers so perhaps we can advise on future travels, and we have extensive travelling experience within Scotland itself, so tap that font please! As locals in a rural area we can introduce you to many other people of interest should you wish. In terms of skills there are so many you can gain and share here that it should not be boring!

  • Projetos que envolvem crianças

    Projetos que envolvem crianças

    Este projeto pode envolver crianças. Para mais informações, veja aqui nossas diretrizes e dicas.

  • Anfitriões que oferecem uma remuneração de acordo com o salário mínimo do país.

    Anfitriões que oferecem uma remuneração de acordo com o salário mínimo do país.

    Este anfitrião oferece acomodação e remuneração.

    Host has indicated that they will pay at least the UK minimum hourly wage for each hour worked and that accommodation will also be provided inline with UK guidance. They are asking for help with a business or business activity. Contact the host directly via the site messenger for more information and details about the wage provided. Any arrangements should be agreed in advance with your host.

  • Ajuda


    The big projects are to get the place ready for opening our cafe trailer this Summer and to help with livestock. Tree planting, fencing, path building, wildflowers meadow creation, old building works and joinery will all be required and you may be asked to help with the farm shop too, if both sides are agreeable (I know this is not for everyone!)

  • Idiomas

    Afrikaans: Fluente
    Inglês: Fluente

  • Acomodação


    We have a holiday cottage, fully furnished to a very high standard, that is charming and very comfortable. It is not on the rental market just now so it is available for our workaways. It has one double bed and two singles and an enclosed garden. Overlooking the sea within the farmstead.

  • Algo mais...

    Algo mais...

    We are right on the main coastal bus route runnning between Dundee and Aberdeen. And 10 miles from railway stations of Montrose or Stonehaven.

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    We use a mobile Wi-Fi network but it is unlimited and offers good speeds, perfectly adequate for video streaming etc, and if staying in cottage it is for the workaway's exclusive use

  • Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Este anfitrião pode fornecer espaço para vans.

  • Pode aceitar animais

    Pode aceitar animais

    We have free ranging poultry and sheep and are not far from a busy road, so any animals cannot be allowed to roam freely. The cottage garden is contained but it is not too difficult for a dog to jump out, so this would have to be borne in mind

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?


  • ...

    Horas previstas

    Maximum 8 hours a day, 5 days

Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 736378811597

Comentário (10)


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

Precisão do perfil:

Intercâmbio cultural:


Join our small family guesthouse in the stunning highlands of Scotland, UK
Enjoy all the opportunities for cultural exchange while helping at our hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland