
Permaculture project under the tropical sun in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico

  • Favorito 106 vezes
  • Última atividade : 23 out. 2024



 Hospedagem min. solicitada: mínimo 3 semanas



  • Descrição


    Saludos! I'm Lisa, a 55 year old Swiss-Puerto Rican with a long past career in communications, and ongoing ones in other areas (civil service, arts), that has decided to spend more time in nature than in front of screens. In 2020 I started this permaculture project in the mountains of Yabucoa. My goal is to eat mostly from what grows on the land and grow an edible forest for future generations. This is a non-commercial, idealistic and neighbourhood friendly project, and I'm most greatful for enthusiastic, nature loving volunteers who love to share over meals and see when and where help is needed, even when not told what to do. This is a 100% drug and smoke free environment for people who love peace and quietness.

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Trabalho beneficente
    Ajuda em projetos ambientais
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Ajuda em fazenda
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
  • Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos da ONU
    Erradicar a pobreza
    Erradicar a fome
    Saúde de qualidade
    Educação de qualidade
    Igualdade de género
    Água potável e saneamento
    Energias renováveis e acessíveis
    Trabalho digno e crescimento económico
    Indústria, inovação e infraestruturas
    Reduzir as desigualdades
    Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
    Produção e consumo sustentáveis
    Ação climática
    Proteger a vida marinha
    Proteger a vida terrestre
    Paz, justiça et instituições eficazes
    Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    You will learn a lot about Puerto Rico's flora and fauna, will cherrish to eat what grows, and can interact with other volunteers over meals. You can practice your languages, learn how to use garden and other tools, get creative (paint, write, sew), read, relax, play board games (on request I'll teach you how Puerto Ricans play Domino and can show you the basic Salsa steps, too). Sustainability and mindfulness applies to all resources.

  • Ajuda


    I offer a comfortable bed and three plant-based whole-food meals a day in exchange for 25 hours of help per week. Clear the land, plant, deweed, trim, harvest,... mostly alongside me, a neighbour, and other visitors and volunteers. There is always enough to do on my approx. 1 1/2 acre hillside land under the tropical sun, as well as in and around the house. In case you're a handy person or a builder we can (re)build stuff using the bamboo that grows on the land and do some maintenance work on the house, too. When it comes to household chores (dishes, laundry, cleaning) we help each others, nevermind the gender. Keep in mind that there is no public transportation and you'll be stuck to the farm. Also: We are in growing zone 12+, so not comparable to mainland USA farming, as extremely hot and humid.

  • Idiomas

    Alemão: Fluente
    Inglês: Fluente
    Espanhol: Fluente
    Francês: Fluente
    Italiano: Fluente

    Este anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
    I speak German, Spanish, English, French and Italian. Volunteers are welcome to brush up and practice their languages with me and introduce me to theirs. As most volunteers are (only) English speakers, you'll most likely not get the Spanish immersion you might hope for.

  • Acomodação


    Comfortable house with four beds in two rooms and a shared bathroom. Screens on all windows, mostly lower temperatures than in the cities. Solar power and water cystern add to the eco lifestyle. We practize reduce/reuse/recycle.

  • Algo mais...

    Algo mais...

    The house is about 60 min from San Juan. There is NO public transportation. Uber drivers come up from Palmas del Mar, Humacao (no guaranteed availability, though), and charge approx. $40 to $80 for a ride to San Juan or to a swimming beach (Seven Seas, Fajardo, Monserrate, Luquillo, Isla Verde, Carolina, Ocean Park or Escambrón, San Juan). I normally pick up the volunteers in a radius of an hour, preferrably when I have to be in San Juan anyway, and take them shopping every 10 to 14 days. There is no fridge space for volunteers, but you can bring non-perishable snacks.
    All meals are taken together at approx. 6:30AM, between 12MD and 1PM and between 6 and 7PM. I cook vegetarian (vegan on request).
    Strictly no smoking, no drugs, no noise. No phones during meals.

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Fast/reliable fiber optic internet is provided, but I strongly suggest to spend as little time as possible online, as the idea is to be outdoors and offline as much as you can, and also help me with household chores such as washing, cooking, cleaning. Use the opportunity to engage in conversations, practice an instrument, play games, or get crafty.

  • Espaço para estacionar campervans

    Espaço para estacionar campervans

    A regular campervan can be parked next to the house.

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Mais de 2

  • ...

    Horas previstas

    25 hours per week

Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 585156514878

Comentário (16)


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

Precisão do perfil:

Intercâmbio cultural:


Learn about the culture and help with small repairs and home tasks in Aibonito, the heart of Puerto Rico
Meet our local team and explore the magical island of Culebra, Puerto Rico